Type #2

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Type 2

One of the two slightly (very very slightly) sane types. You're one of the band's member's sisters.


This is how the story goes:

My name is <insert super-girly name here> <insert one of the five's last names here>, and I'm <insert name of the guy here>'s sister.

The thing about me is, I've always been best friends with everyone from the band, but I'd always harboured feelings for <insert name here>. I know, it was crazy, right? I mean who falls for their brother's best friend?

But I did.

(Change of POV to the chick's brother)

I'm -oh, you know,- calmly discussing about how my best friend is magically in love with my sister. And being the older-brother types, I'm not going to let him put a finger on my her.

(Change of POV to the guy the girl's in love with)

But you know... I like love her and stuff.

Twenty chapters later (in which a very similar cycle of things happened. Back to the girl's POV):

"Are you sure? I mean, you are my borther's best friend..."

"Screw the rules. I want you, <girl's name>."

They make out. That's it. Nothing more happens. Sometimes, there's a chapter where they start going out and live happily ever after with the brother's blessing, but mostly, it just ends there.


Stuff that's wrong with this kind of plot is that even though you're the best friend's sister, he has more than a million girls after him. Sure, go ahead, fantasize all about it, but stop writing crappy fanfic about it.

Also, if you're just magically appearing into all their lives as their sisters (in my words, as an OC) then I'm just not going to like the fact that you're trying to force yourself dow on them.

Over all, it's not all that bad a plot, besides the fact that you're still chosen as one in a million. Still, it's the most probable of the five types.

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