Type #12

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Type 12 

When you're sold. To One Direction.


How the story goes:

I live in terrible conditions. I come from a very poor family. We have no money. We earn our livelihoods by selling blood.

For where I come from, I am reasonably good-looking. I have long, soft blonde hair that curls towards the end and almond shaped blue-green eyes. I'm not exactly pale, but I'm not of dark complexion either.

Of course though, I have a slim built because of all the hard work I do. And even though I do this much work, I am a small and weak person.

I tr to brave my way through life as well as I can, but it is difficult.

My mother is an alcoholic and a gambling addict. She keeps wasting whatever money we have.

One day, she fell into a huge debt. And since I was still a minor (of seventeen years), she sold me. To One Direction.

(Now, the story takes two paths: Either they are cruel to her or they are super nice and uplift her from her penurious situation.)

Path 1

I get raped and blah blah blah, I am forced to marry one of them, I live in even worse situations than before, I hate my life, being to weak I attempt no escape and finally, commit suicide.

Path 2

Once sold to them, they make me a servant in their mansion. I cook and clean for them, and hey start to notice my hidden beauty.

One of them falls in love with me. I too gradually fall in love with him. Being the kind-hearted souls they are, they decide that they do not own me any more, but they will keep me around as I do not want to go back to the woman who sold me.

Eventually, being the kind and generous person that I am, I reconcile with my mother and forgive her for the horrible things that she has done to me. Also because my newfound boyfriend made me for which I am grateful to him for.

We live happily ever after.



What- were they in too much debt from selling their blood to a boy-band whose oldest member is twenty-one years old?! Was their gambling addiction absolutely uncontrollable?! Or were you just too much of a pain in the ass?! Because that seems like the only reason legitimate enough.

Okay. Gimme a minute. I need to cool down.

I'm back. What's wrong with these kinds of stories:

For starters, there's always only parent involved. Always. Out of all the torturous stories I had to read to do this rant, I didn't find a single one in which the girl had both parents around. Either her parents were split up or one of them dies in some terribly tragic way or- here's the best one- the father left after knocking up her mom (which subsequently led to her alcohol and gambling addictions.)

OH MY GREEN. What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. You?

*facedesk facedesk facedesk*


Has anyone besides me noticed girls and their knack for self affliction? Honest to God, you people absolutely love tragedies don't you? Like a normal always has a disturbing past? Sorry to burst your bubble, but a lot of us are happy with our lives.

Need I also mention that nobody on earth is selfless enough to actually forgive their parents for being such jackasses? I mean, bravo if you are, but how much do you wanna bet that you really aren't?

And the protagonist.  I don't even know where to begin. I have never seen this much inconsistency in plot and character development. If you write a story, you have got to know how well your characters are suited to their surroundings. For the love of God and all that’s holy, one does not simply adjust to such dramatic life changes so easily! You don't just walk into the band's mansion and adapt.

That said, you don't disbelieve for 6 chapters either.

I give up on One Direction fanfic writers. That's it. Vote if you aren't going to leave me standing alone.


A/N: If you're reading this and love sadism and gore and all sorts of evil things (like I do) then you might want to check out What Should Be Done to 1D Fanfiction by JWGDuggan.

(Link: http://www.wattpad.com/story/7384180-what-should-be-done-to-1d-fanfiction)

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