Chapter 7: Move & Chill

Start from the beginning

I attack his lips before he can speak. He groans kissing me back while holding onto my waist. I can't help but to grind on him loving the feeling of his skin on mine. I pull away from the kiss trailing them down his jaw. He groans trying to still my hips. Once I tell he's a little excited I stop rolling over to my side of the bed.

"Bad boy" I murmur. He mumbles something incoherent as I give into the darkness.

The next morning I'm waken by the blinding sunlight and a pounding headache. Yet again I'm wrapped up on Matteo's chest like a little baby. Gosh how is this even comfortable for him. I reach over and grab the pills swallowing them with the water. I freaking knew I shouldn't have had all those drinks. Though I had the most fun I've had in a while. I sit up on Matteo's chest and he rubs my thighs. That's when I notice I'm in nothing but his shirt.

"How are you feeling?" he asks huskily.

"I have the headache from hell" I groan.

"Shouldn't have drunk so much."

"Thank you captain obvious, but in my defense they shouldn't serve minors." I get up off him and out the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"Clean myself up then make breakfast."

I walk into the bathroom taking care of all my bathroom needs. I'm hoping that since neither of us have plans I can learn a little more about him. The sound of my phone ringing catches my attention. I pull on Matteo's shirt before walking out the closet, only to see Matteo on the bed on my phone talking as if it's his. I stop in front of him holding my hand out. Who told him he could answer my phone? He hands me my phone rubbing up my legs. It's like the man can't keep his hands to himself.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Danica, I was wondering if you wanted to get your nails done with me. Matty said you guys are busy but he can't hog you all day" Giselle says.

I giggle, "sure why not."

"Great we'll pick you up at seven."

"Okay." We hang up and I toss my phone on the bed. I walk out the room going to the kitchen with Matteo following me. He takes a seat at the bar as I get out everything to make pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"How old are you?" I ask as I start to cook.

"Twenty-five, what are you doing tesoro?"

"Getting to know you, what's your middle name?"

"Vincent, this is juvenile."

I roll my eyes, "well it's not like you're volunteering information, you made me stoop this low."

"Did you ever think that maybe I don't want to share details of my life?"

"Well that's not what we agreed to so I don't care what you want. Are your parents still living?"

"My mother is deceased but my father is still alive."

"Is Gio your only sibling?"


"Do you want kids in the future?"

"Of course."

"Why am I forced to be with you?"

"Because you're mine."

"You don't care to elaborate?"


I finish the food putting a plate in front of him. I say grace before digging into my food. Why is he so reluctant in letting me know him on a deeper level? A relationship is all about getting to know someone and growing together. What kind of relationship is this if we can't talk about the deep stuff? After breakfast Teo washes the dishes before we decide to watch a movie. He pulls me into his lap as Avengers Age of Ultron starts.

It's crazy how comfortable we've gotten with each other in a span of weeks. I've never had that happen with anyone before but then again I never spent this much time with anyone before. He slips his hand in the top of my leggings letting it rest on my hip. I look up at him daring him to try something. We are definitely not there yet, who in the heck knows when we will be. It's not just something I take lightly. Halfway through the movie the doorbell rings. Who could that be? He pauses the movie before carrying me to the door. He looks through the peephole before groaning. He opens the door revealing Gio and Carmine. What the hell are they doing here?

"Don't y'all shit heads have lives?" Teo asks rudely.

"We'd rather spend it with you" Gio says pushing his way in.

"Can't you see we're busy?"

"Can't you see me not giving two fucks?" Carmine says.

Teo closes the door before walking back to the entertainment room. He presses play just as Gio and Carmine take their seats. I wonder if they know how to be alone. "No we aren't starting over" Teo says before Gio can get his sentence out.

"Such a dick" Gio comments.

When the doorbell rings again I get up knowing it's Giselle. The guys and I spent the entire day watching movies. Giselle walks in after hugging me. "Just let me get my bag and shoes and I'll be ready" I say.

She eyes me, "honey are you going out like that?"

"Who is she going to impress at the nail salon Elle?" Teo asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Herself Matty."

I roll my eyes going to the bedroom. I pull on a pair of black Nikes and grab my bag before walking back to them. "Oh god you're even starting to dress like him" she comments eyeing me up and down.

It's not like I purposely decided to be in all black. It kind of just happened that way but things tend to rub off after some time. Teo pulls me closer to him and puts something in my purse before kissing me. I can't help the moan that escapes as I kiss him back before pulling away. Giselle grabs my arm pulling me out the penthouse. She drags me over to an all white Benz, in the driver seat is a sun kissed tanned women with dark brown and purple hair.

"Danica this is my sister Andrea" Giselle introduces.

"Nice to meet you" we both say.

She pulls off and we all talk on our way to the nail salon. I decide to look into my purse curious as to what Teo put in it. I pull out a plastic black card. What the heck does this man do for a living? They don't just give these out to anyone. I'm determined more than ever to find out more about my boyfriend.

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