Addicted- Chapter Twenty

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Chapter twenty- Damage Control

Vivian wondered what had happened. James's words Someone is trying to destroy me, rang in her mind. But before she could question James, he was already back on the phone.

Vivian followed James out of the small room, as he talked on the phone calmly, definetely not looking like the guy who was about to be destroyed. But, then again, James hardly ever lost control. And in Vivian's opinion, it was a good thing, since the uncontrolled James scared the wits out of her.

After depositing back the guns and other things, James made hisway towards his cars and Vivian silently trailed behind.

Wondering when was the appropriate time to talk, Vivian tapped her blackberry, checking through the e-mails whilist James conversed on the phone, sitting in the car.

Vivian heard bits and pieces of the conversation, even though she was trying to keep her nosy nose out of his business.

''How the fuck is that possible?'' James asked, then listened to the other side, his eyebrows scrunched up and the lips set in line.

Vivians phone gently skimmed through the mails, her attention now completely towards James Sinclair's conversation, ''You are the fucking accountant. You should be knowing how the hell did the shares go public.'' James's voice was calm, but their was a promise of ruthless anger in his voice which would have made any man cower in fear. Thankfully, the man who was the recpient of this anger was on phone, and had managed to keep himself upright, judging by the conversation that was still going on.

Vivian's curiosity grew, she understood this was related to James's loan company and now wanted to know what was wrong more than ever, ''I ought to fire you right this second.'' He muttered and then cut the call.

James put the key in ignition, taking a few seconds to calm himself down before he adressed Vivian. Who was faking disinterest very convincingly. But he knew her better now, James could read the stern, uptight bitch which was Vivian Wade.

''There would be a slight deteour, I hope you don't mind.'' James said to Vivian and turned the key, the Audi roared to life.

Vivian nodded and then asked, ''What happened?'' Trying to fake nonchalance was proving to be very hard since Vivian sounded eager and curious.

James took a while in answering, ''Nothing great, slight problem in the company, so I need to go there, if that's not a problem.''

''No, not at all.'' Vivian replied, a bit frustated that he couldn't just answer her. She was dying of curiosity, ''What is wrong?''

James glanced at Vivian, ''It's –

Vivian cut him off, knowing James was again just going to brush off her question, ''Please?'' She muttered, her words causing James to look at her in surprise, ''I might be able to help.'' She added.

James sighed, ''My company's share went public, and that will cause me a lot of problem,'' He started to say, turning towards uptown Manhattan, ''You know since it has a lot of unexplained earnings.''

''You mean all that illegal business.'' Vivian clarified, seeing he wasn't still being very straight. James nodded in response, barely looking like a person who was in serious trouble, there was no hint of panic on his face.

Vivian grew interested, being a business student and dealing mainly with finance this was her forte, ''How did the shares go public?''

“I don't know, even the fucking accounting head of the company doesn't know.'' James scowled in anger, the scar on his eyebrow getting prominent, “how do they go public?'' He asked.

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