Addicted- Chapter Five.

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-'Those who are not with me are against me, and I have no mercy for my enemies.'

Chapter five- Meeting.

Vivian debated whether to go to the office or not, considering the situation she was in.

Out of all the things that could have happened, the most bizarre had taken its toll.

James Sinclair had passed out in Vivian's car.

And despite that, Vivian was taking him to Hell's kitchen, like he had wanted her to do. Vivian did not know why she was doing this, but seeing the other choice was to leave James Sinclair in her car, in the parking lot of Manhattan Scientific. Inc. the former one was the one she preferred.

Vivian had thought that James in his sleeping state, would look a little vulnerable, innocent or maybe in some sort of way a little less thrilling, but yet again when it came to James, Vivian should have not made any assumptions. James looked exactly the same, his mouth was set in a straight line, his features hadn't relaxed but they weren't hardened either.

For some reason, seeing James in this state, made Vivian want to kiss his brownish red lips more than ever.

Vivian sighed in frustration as she realized her train of thought. She hadn't been like this ever. Vivian was always the dude in a relationship who didn't want to take the relationship to the next level and shit. But right now, she was behaving exactly like the crazed females James had encountered yesterday night.

Strong vibrations on the dashboard got Vivian out of her thoughts, out of the corner of her eyes she looked at the James' phone and saw the caller ID- Ryder, she debated whether to pick up the phone or not. James got up immediately from his slumber, as if he hadn't slept at all. Instead of his hand going to the mobile phone which was on the dashboard, it went to the back of his trousers, and he produced something that made Vivian's blood turn to ice.

She immediately hit the breaks, and they came to an abrupt stop. What the fuck is happening? Vivian was actually panicked for the second.

''What the hell?'' James murmured as his head hit the dashboard slightly, ''Why did you do that for?'' He asked Vivian in a blazing tone.

Vivian gulped, her eyes trained on the thing which was in James's right hand, ''Why..uh..why do yo-you have that?'' She managed to ask, partially loathing herself for sounding like such a coward.

James looked confused for a second, then he noticed Vivian's gaze, and a small smile crept on his lips, ''you mean this?'' He dangled it between his fingers as if it was a mere plaything, just to tease Vivian.

Vivian nodded, wishing she could somehow snatch the thing away, but she was literally frozen with fear.

''It's just a pistol, Miss Wade. Don't tell me it scares you off.'' James' gaze was mocking, as Vivian tried to compose herself, ''I know that.'' She snapped, ''But why did you take it out for no goddamn reason?''

''Can we move, I am getting late.'' Was all James replied back.

''not before you tell me.''

''Are we really going to do this? I still have the gun in my hand, you know.'' James warned with a teasing twinkle in his eyes that got Vivian wondering if he would actually kill her like this. One glance in his direction made Vivian positive that he could just pull the trigger and kill her off. Without a millisecond of hesitation.

Vivian set her jaw; she had to show James that she wasn't just a scared lamb whom he could maneuver how ever he wished. She was a lady with high level of dignity and self-respect, and no way was she letting James underestimate her, ''Yes.'' She replied back with determination in her eyes.

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