Addicted- Chapter Nineteen

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‘’You cannot force me to do something I don’t want to.’’

‘’Try me!’’

‘’Oh! I will, Sinclair. I will.’’

James stepped closer to Vivian, his face etched with anger, and the worst part was he wasn’t even trying to control it. Vivian’s determination immediately vanished into thin air as she tried to focus her eyes anywhere other than James Sinclair.

‘’What happened, Miss Wade? You wanted to try me. Go ahead,’’ James whispered in a way that made Vivian’s skin crawl, James scared her out of her wits, and instead of getting frightened it fascinated her. Vivian knew if she took a step back, James Sinclair would win.

And she wasn’t going to let James Sinclair win.

Vivian looked at him in the eye, wondering about the story behing the scar that cut across his eyebrow. Her body straightened with determination, a small smile crept on her face, ‘’I thought you would never ask,’’ she murmured against his ears and Vivian felt James shudder under her touch.

She slowly maneuvered herself over him as she made him lean against the kitchen counter, ‘’what would you like me to try, Sinclair?’’ She asked in a low voice, as she moved her face from his ears to his lips in a painfully slow motion.

James Sinclair looked out of his element. Vivian couldn’t help but grin at his shock stricken expression. As Vivian was just an inch apart from James, he suddenly gripped her arms and turned her against the counter, caging her.

‘’Things that would make you blush, Miss Wade,’’ James replied in a gravelly voice, sounding utterly serious. Vivian’s eyes widened at the prospect, her heart raced with nervousness and even though Vivian hated to admit it, desire.

Vivian shivered as James rubbed Vivian’s arm lightly with his thumb, still holding her captive; she couldn’t look away from his lips which he licked it softly, making Vivian’s already rapid beating heart increased its pace in anticipation.

The wait was way too long for Vivian, and shutting off the voice which was telling her she was making a mistake, she closed the distance. Oh, screw it!

But her lips didn’t meet the soft lips she had touched months back, a soft chuckle made her open her eyes and she saw James leaned away from her, ‘’Don’t play games, you can’t win, Miss Wade.’’ He said making Vivian abruptly clear of the reality. She had just been rejected.

Vivian decided to give herself some space from James Sinclair, who could evade her senses, stop her brain from functioning just with a mere touch.

When it came to James Sinclair, nothing made sense.

‘’Whatever you say, I am still not going.’’ She refuted back, her voice lacking the sheen of determination. Vivian felt ashamed at herself for having such a weak willpower.

James glared at her, forgetting about the moment that had happened earlier, ‘’Why are you being so difficult?’’ He snapped.

‘’Because everything you have done until now has made my life a living hell!’’ Vivian retorted back.

‘’It’s for your own good!’’

‘’I am more than capable of knowing what’s good for me,’’ She shouted, ‘’and I am not doing it!’’

James’s anger increased tenfold, ‘’you can practice self-defense with Ryder but not go for this?’’

Vivian glared at him, ‘’Yes, you don’t tell me what to do. Go on a date with Mila or something,’’ Vivian voice was laced with venom, ‘’Just leave me alone!’’ She screamed and turned on her heels to go back to her room.

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