chapter three

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black rose(3)

Los Angeles, California
October 7th, 2015
12:00 AM

Who would've thought that I, Elijah Owens, would be in a room in one of the most fanciest hotels in Cali, about to witness a celebrity commit suicide. She sat on the balcony railing, slowly rocking back and forth as if she was preparing herself. My heart was beating out of my chest as flashbacks went through my head.

"Simone, what are you doing!" The woman yelled.

"Get out." She said barely above of whisper but loud enough for us to hear.

The security guard creep towards her, "Monae? Don't do this."

"I swear if he fucking touches me I'll jump. GET THE FUCK OUT!" She yelled before she began sobbing.

The guard backed away from her and went over to the woman who was now crying."We've got a talk her into coming down." He whispered.

I took a breath before walking towards the balcony.

"Hey," the woman said, "get away from her!"

Ignoring her I slowly walked towards the balcony.

"Simone?" I said softly. She turned around, revealing her tears and her red face.

"Simone? I thought it was bitch." She spat, turning back around. "Go away."

"What's going on, Simone?" I ignored her comment. I closed the slide door separating us from the others. "See? It's just us. Talk to me."

"You don't care," she chuckled dryly, "no one fucking cares." She shook her head, her body was shaking. "No one fucking cares and I'm sick of it!"

"I care." I said quickly. "I get it--"

"SHUT UP! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" She cried looking down. "Y-you don't know what it's like.. To wake up, every morning wishing you didn't.  To have somebody else other than God decide your path for you."

"Simone I don't know what you're going through, but I do know this isn't the answer."

"Why?" She turned to me, "is it because I have so much to live for?"

"Yes! Simone I don't know you, but I know that you deserve every ounce of love and respect and life."

"No no no," she shook her head, " I'm nothing! The voices said so! Th-they s-said that I deserved to die. I-my life isn't worth living."

"Fuck what the voices said! They want you to do this. They want to win, don't you let them win Simone!"

She gripped the railing shaking her head, "just because you see me, doesn't mean you see me." She said before she let go of the rail, falling forward.

"NO!" I yelled lunging after her.


I waited to feel the impact of my skull shattering against the hard concrete or of my body falling through the glass of somebody's car. Instead I felt nothing but the wind blowing across my face. Looking up I saw the guy from the lobby. What is he doing here?

"Simone, gimme your other hand." He demanded, struggling to pull me up with his one arm.

I ignored him, closing my eyes. "I'm going to burn in hell." I whispered to myself.

"No. No. No. Okay, baby? Look at me real quick." I heard him beg, " Look at me, dammit! Baby, please. Look at me."

I opened my eyes, staring into his, I saw his facial expression soften before he said, more to himself, "I see you."

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"I see you, Simone." He grunted before my hand slipped out of his but he quickly grabbed my arm again.

I felt my heart skip a beat or two as I looked down at the people crowding in front of the hotel to see what was going on and instantly got scared. I gave him my other hand.

"Please, help me!" I yelled with tears falling down my face, but from fear this time. I needed him to help me. Little did i know he would, in more ways than one.

"I gotchu'," he said breathlessly as he pulled me up. Not wasting anytime he grabbed my waist and snatched me over the railing quickly causing us to fall with me on top of him.

Once we made eye contact, it was like we were in a trance. Both our bodies were shaking but we seemed to calm each other down. I started into his brown eyes and instantly felt safe only to be snatched away from it.

"Simone what were you thinking!!"

We snapped out of our trance and I was pulled up to my feet and I instantly started shaking again. Mystery man took off his jacket and placed it over me. I turned to look at him when I was dragged away by both the security guard and Renae.

"Don't you ever do that again!" Renae said as she pulled me into the bathroom. "You could have died!"

That was the plan. I tried to walk around her bit she insisted out shouting in my face. I decided to entertain her by just standing there and drowning her out. Once I'd had enough I pushed past her, opening the door. The mystery man was no where in sight.

"Where'd he go?" I asked the guard.

"I told him to leave." He smiled like he'd actually done something right

"What?" I ran out the door and into the hallways. Nothing. I was pulled back into the room by Aunt Renae, where she continued her yelling as the guard went back to his post.

I stuck my arms through the sleeves of his jacket and inhaled his scent.

I didn't even get to say thank you.


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