chapter two

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black rose (2)

Los Angeles, California
October 7th, 2015
7:00 PM

"Okay," Renae said walking into my dressing room. "Is everyone set?"

Everyone in the room either nodded or said a quick 'yeah', while I stayed silently in my seat as Aimee did her very best to make me look good. My backup dancers where in my dressing to go over a few of our dance routines before going onstage. The dancers on my tour are the only people I can actually tolerate but I wouldn't actually call them my friends. More like acquaintances.

Besides I'm Monae. The music industries most famous bad girl besides Queen Riri aka Rihanna. I'm the girl who screams at the paparazzi. The girl who threw a drink at a random girl in the club. The girl who puts celebrities in their place for talking reckless like Iggy, Wendy Williams, Taylor Swift, and Raven Symone, etc, via the internet.

But of course it's not me, it's my management. Renae and two other people who's names I can never remember. It's not in me to be rude and petty for no reason. I honestly just found out I had a twitter last year and that was after I'd supposedly exposed Amber Rose for messing around with Wiz's best friend. I don't even know my Instagram password. But anyways, I'm Cali's bad girl I don't have friends because they're either fake, scared of me, or....well fake. Besides going all out into the public hanging out with someone I don't care for sounds like a waste of time. I don't fuck with any of them heavy. I just talk to them to be cordial. Besides if they really wanted to be my friend they wouldn't continuously call me by my stage name after I've told them to call me Simone.

"Monae?" I gritted my teeth, turning my head towards Aimee. "Are you okay? You seem down."

I refrained from scrunching up my face in annoyance at her. Bitch we're not friends. "Yeah, I'm straight."

"You sure? You look a little irritated." She gestured to my body language. I had my arm propped up on the arm of my hair with my hand in a fist to prop up my head. To top it off I had a natural bitchy look on my face.

I opened my mouth to say something when Renae popped up out of nowhere and put her arm on my shoulder staring at me intently through the mirror

"Don't mind her, she just has an attitude because some people are here working their asses off to better her career. Just let her be ungrateful." She said unnecessarily loud causing everyone in the room to stop what they were doing and watch.

I didn't know what she was trying to do, but I did know that she wasn't going to punk me out like that in front of all these people who've grown to respect me.

I scoffed pushing her arm off of me before I sat up in my seat. I stared back at her through the mirror and leaned into it. "And some people should realize that I'm a human being and stop trying to run my 21 year old life. Also they should remember that without me they wouldn't have a career to better. They'd be nothing." I stood up, not caring if Aimee was done or not. I stood in front of Renae and looked her in the eye. "Some people should remember that and never forget it."

She gave me a deadly stare. I grinned before sitting back down and returning to my former position. I watched her through the mirror as she stormed out of my dressing room and slammed the door. Which was opened again by someone who didn't make my mood any better.

"Hey Chance!" Some of the female dancers squeaked. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't jealous. Shit, they could have him. I was annoyed.

"Wassup babe?" Chance walked up behind me and planted a sloppy kiss on my right cheek. I chuckled, hearing Aimee growl under her breath when he messed up my highlight.

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