black rose

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August 8th, 2009Oakland, California6:00 AMSimone Carter

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August 8th, 2009
Oakland, California
6:00 AM
Simone Carter

I stared in the bathroom mirror smoothing out any wrinkles in my shirt. I smiled feeling accomplished.
"Wow," I played with my hair, "today's the first day of high school." I squealed in excitement before rushing out of the bathroom and snatch my messenger bag off the floor, leaving my Aunt Renae and I's room.

I walked down the hallway of our cramped townhouse, into the kitchen with a little pep in my step. My whole mood changed seeing Aunt Renae sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands, along with a lit cigarette. There were open envelopes and papers scattered around. I creeped up behind her attempting to take a peek. Before I could see anything she spun around.

"What are you doing?" Her voice cracked and I could've swore I saw a tear fall down her face. She looked me up and down. "Where you going?"

"I-i um it's the first day of school," I remind her.

"Oh." She sighed remembering, "Well go on, have a good day."

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