Electric Feel

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It's difficult not to be like- just go away Sabina, just leave! But hopefully I handled it pretty well.


Hera landed softly in a carpeted room of the hotel and looked around quickly. No one was around, the room, which looked like a library of sorts, was empty but she could hear the busy noises of the restaurant below. It had been a few minutes since the murder; surely things would have calmed down by now? She didn't really care, she just needed to get out of here before Alex found her. After she had jumped she grasped the stone ledge on the wall of the hotel and jumped through a window. It had been pretty easy considering she hadn't had time to check the layout of the wall. She walked through the library and glimpsed some of the titles of books and it was in that moment when her head was turned, that the businessman stepped out from the shadows. She turned to him quickly and managed to block his punch but was not ready for the glass vase in his other hand. It collided with the side of her head and she stumbled backwards. She looked towards the man who stood, panting from the effort, in front of her. She saw him call for the police and run out of the room before her eyes blurred with a red coloured tint and she fell to her knees. She had to keep moving, she had to get out of here. But her knees felt like they were burning as they scraped against the wooden floor, her eyes were drooping and she could feel consciousness slipping away. She swore in her head, wondering how she dropped her guard so easily and have a mere civilian knock her unconscious. She lay down on the floor, put a hand to her wound to feel the damage but the darkness came quicker than usual so she closed her eyes and let it take her.


Alex ran through the hotel knowing that Sabina would be worried by now, that she'd be calling him and that she'd be scared. But every time he thought of her, the image of that girl jumping away from him, came back into his mind and he felt a sudden exhilaration as adrenaline raced through his veins. He wasn't sure how to feel; a murderer had come back into his life, a murderer he had once loved. He had no idea what...Alex stopped running. He was stood in a corridor in the hotel and could've sworn that as he had run past the library he glimpsed someone lying on the floor. He took a few steps backwards and slowly turned his head to view the room.

Alex had to close his eyes and open them again to make sure what he was seeing was real. He put a hand to his mouth and slowly went down to his knees and he stayed at the doorway, just staring ahead. There she was; Hera lay unconscious in the middle of the library. It was definitely her, of course it was, who else had that tanned skin and waves of brown, shimmering hair? Who else, at the age of nineteen, could make that dark blue summer dress look as stunning as she did? Who else was beautiful enough to make his heart stop like that? He took a deep, shuddering breath as he tried to calm down when he saw the pear-shapes diamond hanging from the chain around her neck. In fact Alex was so preoccupied with looking at her face and how her body had changed that he noticed the cut on her forehead at least three minutes later. He stood up and walked towards her, looking at the cut he could see it was not deep but the bruising that was forming indicated it had been a hard hit. That's probably why she was unconscious. He reached forwards and moved her hair away from her wound and as his fingers brushed her skin a strange sense of electricity flickered between their connection.

Shouts sounded from below and Alex could hear people running towards the library. He thought quickly and in a second made a decision he knew he would regret. He knelt down and picked Hera up. He knew he wasn't thinking straight; he should just let those men come and find her, why was he protecting her? When he stood up again he looked down to her and smiled as he noticed she had grown; her head reached a higher place on his chest and her legs and arms were longer too. He stepped out of the library and cursed himself as his eyes never left her face and he'd wasted precious seconds. He heard the footsteps getting louder and checked the corridor was empty before running in the opposite direction.


Hera's blue eyes flickered open. She had a terrible headache and as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the room she became aware that this environment was unfamiliar to her. She found herself in a bed and was too comfortable to move but knew she had to figure out where she was. She sat up slowly to prevent herself becoming dizzy and threw the blanket off herself. She was still in her dress but her shoes were at the side of the bed. She instinctively felt her neck and was relieved to find her necklace was still there. She moved her legs over the side of the bed so she could stand up but before she did the door to the room opened. She shielded her eyes from the light as it poured in behind the person that entered. They walked closer to her and as he came into the light that fell on him from the lamp at her bedside, Hera stared up at her.

"Sabina?" Hera croaked. The other girl sat down beside Hera and after staring down at the glass of water in her hands, Sabina handed it to her. Hera drank quickly and placed the glass on the bedside table. Hera had always felt intimidated by Sabina and that was saying a lot considering Hera was not intimidated by mass murderers. But Hera always felt Sabina was prettier, smarter, more attractive than her because, in the end, Alex went back to Sabina.

"I don't know," Sabina began quietly, "what's going on, or what you're doing here, but Alex asked me to keep you here." She took a deep breath and Hera felt her cut on her forehead, someone had cleaned the cut and put a plaster there. "He's downstairs, talking to them," Hera guessed she meant MI6. There was a minute of silence in which neither knew what to say. "Hera," Sabina turned to her and Hera looked over to her with those blue eyes that made Sabina gasp; they were the same colour as his. "I don't want to lose him." Sabina said in earnest.

"I'm not here to get him to come back." Hera confirmed, "or to take him from you in any way," she continued, "I'm here to keep him safe; something we both want." Hera smiled and Sabina nodded.

"Alright, I think-"

"But it will become difficult." Hera reminded her, "I'm going to be around a lot. Alex will spend a lot of time with me. It'll hurt," she said bluntly. "But you just have to remember that," she hesitated, "he loves you." Sabina smiled as she said it. "And if it gets too hard, if you want to leave, please, please, leave when Alex asks you." Hera said quickly and Sabina didn't understand.

"When he asks me?" Sabina said with distaste.

"He loves you enough to protect you and if he is in too much danger he will ask you to leave," Hera explained quickly. "He needs you now," she added, "so please stay with him-" Sabina stood up suddenly.

"I'm not going anywhere," she snapped and Hera didn't get why she was angry, "unlike you, I know where my loyalty lies." Hera knew this statement wasn't true at all; Hera knew exactly who to be loyal to but she didn't want to upset Sabina anymore than she already was. Sabina walked out of the room and from the hallway called back; "go to the basement."


"I don't care that you lied, Mrs Jones," Alex said to the image of the woman on the TV screen, "I just want to know what the hell is going on." Alex was stood in the middle of the basement, talking to Mrs Jones through Alpha. They'd been talking for at least twenty minutes and he'd brought Hera home about an hour ago. For half that time he had simply sat by her bedside and stared at her, wondering how someone so angelic could be capable of causing death. He'd come down here to talk to Mrs Jones but she wouldn't say anything until Blunt was present.

"We have to wait for Hera and..." Her voice faded away as she heard the basement door open and someone begin to descend into the room. "I'll leave you two to catch up for a while and contact you as soon..." But Alex wasn't listening, he was watching the stairs as he heard her make her way to him. The pretty blue dress, similar to the one he had last seen her in, came into view and then suddenly, before he was ready, that forgotten girl was stood on the steps in front of him.


Sorry, it was a little short!

Comments/votes are appreciated!

Also, I was thinking of, in the very distant future, writing one of Hera and Alex's most important missions, which will only be briefly mentioned in this fic. Anyone think that would be cool? Let me know!

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