Free Runner

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Alex threw his keys onto his desk in the basement and shrugged off his jacket onto the floor. Pulling his chair towards him roughly he sat down and glared at the television opposite him.

"Good morning Alpha." He breathed and waited as blinds closed over the windows, more lights turned on in the room and the television screen turned on. A few words, white against a black background, formed on the screen:

Good morning Alex.

"Call." He stated, "Mrs Jones." The screen went blank as he waited for Mrs Jones to pick up her telephone. No less than two seconds later Alex was greeted with the familiar sight of Mrs Jones office and the woman herself, sat behind a wooden desk littered with papers that could be about him. He hadn't seen this for two years now; he hadn't seen her in person for at least three. It distressed him slightly, to find that he was excited at the chance to call her.

"Alex!" She exclaimed. "You look well."

"There was a murder outside my house." Alex cut through her; he needed to get to the bottom of this and was not fazed when Mrs Jones looked surprised.

"Really?" She shuffled some papers in front of her. "Well, I can't say we heard of anything in that area-"

"Someone was seen," Alex interrupted her again. "With eyes the same colour as mine." He said pointedly and Mrs Jones shrugged.

"Someone with blue eyes?" She asked, "hardly useful information-"

"There is only one person," Alex said loudly and stood up, his hands curled into fists, "who has eyes this exact shade of blue!" He shouted and the woman recoiled. There were a few moments of silence in which Alex tried to calm down. "Is she here?" He asked quietly and looked to the floor. He had to gather a lot of courage to say it; "Hera?" He looked up to the screen and those crystal blue eyes looked intently at Mrs Jones who pulled her jacket around herself tighter.

"Of course not." She said calmly and Alex sat back down with a sigh of relief. "Hera isn't even in the country." She concluded and sat forwards, towards the videophone on her desk. "Alex, murders happen. That doesn't necessarily mean we have anything to do with them." He nodded slowly.

"I know...I just..." He didn't know what to say.

"Keep safe, Alex." Mrs Jones said suddenly. "And if there's anything else you need then don't hesitate to call." She smiled at him and before he could even open his mouth she spoke again. "Until then I guess you have your quick encounter with the police." As soon as she uttered the last word the doorbell ran in Alex's house. He looked up and then back to the screen, "I guess that's them; wanting to know about the murder." Alex stood up.

"Goodbye Mrs Jones." Alex said and was already walking away when she said goodbye. "Good night Alpha," he said as he walked back up the stairs and the television switched off, the extra lights switched off and the blinds lifted from the windows. At the top of the stairs his phone rang. "Hello? Sabina, I know, I'm sorry, I'll be there soon."


"He knows." Hera said anxiously and Blunt was instantly worried; it was unlike Hera to become apprehensive so early on in a mission. "When I came back into the house and he talked to Mrs Rum-"

"Mrs Rum?" Blunt asked from the other end of the line. Hera, who was sat on her breakfast table, a bowl of cornflakes in her hands, turned to the television exasperatedly.

"Who?" She asked before realizing what he was asking, "oh, my new neighbour-"

"Hera, stay calm-"

"I am calm!" She shouted, waving her spoon at the screen. She took a moment to compose herself. "It's too risky; I'm getting out-"

"Alright." Blunt said suddenly and Hera was shocked. She almost dropped her spoon. "If the deadly nineteen year old can't handle simple observation, then that's fine." As he stopped Hera rolled her eyes.

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