Chapter 2

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Goku smiled as he watched his friends fight. It was almost time for him to fight against Pikkon and he was very excited. Pikkon was one of Otherworld's best fighters as well as his best friend, or at least, Goku thought of him as his best friend. He often told the green human like being about his old family life and bragged a lot about his two sons. He watched as Pikkon won his battle, he was bubbling with excitement. Lost in thought, he missed the next few matches, only being dragged from his thoughts when the announcer called for him.
"Whoops, heh heh, sorry," Goku said, running onto the stage and taking on his battle stance. The two fighters launched at each other, their attention quickly focused on nothing but their fight.

They jumped apart just in time to miss being hit by a large bubble type thing forming in the middle of the arena. Confused, they looked to the Grand Kai for answers, Pikkon wanting to and investigate, but Goku didn't want to win the fight with Pikkon withdrawing just to go see what was going on. The Grand Kai called, telling them both to go and once they came back, they could finish their fight. Together, Goku and Pikkon left to investigate what was going on. There they found a giant pale yellow monster that sat on the check in station. It was also covered in a large bubble. Leading this being, named Janemba, down to hell, Goku started his fight while Pikkon proceeded to help King Yemma get out if his imprisonment. The fight was at first a little light hearted, until Goku turned into a super saiyan 3 and managed to severely injure the creature. To his utter shock and horror, the giant pale alien turned red and grew a tale, much smaller now, but still rather intimidating. Goku fought against this being, but lost not long after. Goku was in a lot of pain, when Pikkon arrived, saving his life as he, too, fought against Janemba, though the battle didn't last very long.

Back on earth, Gohan has just finished getting ready for his morning training. It was still dark out, early in the morning hours as Gohan tied his shoes before jumping out of his bedroom window, running into the woods. He started with a few stretches before doing numerous push-ups, sit-ups and squats. He then proceeded to punch and kick in the air. Soon, he got bored and turned into a super saiyan, his movements a lot faster now that he had ascended. Goku was laying on his stomach on the cold hard ground, watching as Janemba beat Pikkon into a bloody pulp. Catching the red human like being off guard, Goku quickly jumped to his feet and sent a powerful Ki blast at Janemba. Janemba had to drop Pikkon in order to dodge the attack. Pikkon jumped back, landing gracefully next to Goku as the two of them tensed, not knowing what to do.

"He's strong, what are we-" Pikkon cut himself off as the three fighters turned their heads in the direction of a massive power level. Janemba clenched his teeth at this power. It was unlike anything he's ever felt before. Goku felt shock course through him. Could it be?
"What the hell is that?!" Pikkon yelled, tensing at the thought of having to fight this new power. Because the dimensional barriers were down, it was a lot easier to sense large power levels coming from the world of the living.
"It's Gohan," Goku answered, pride swelling in his chest. His son had gotten so powerful! Goku turned his attention back to Janemba in time to see the red being smirk before he disappeared along with his power level.

Goku sighed in relief, they were safe for now.
"That's your son I'm sensing?" Pikkon asked, clearly shocked.
"Yeah! We should probably go to King Yemma and see how he's doing," Goku said, standing from where he had sat down, still pretty beat up. Goku used his instant transmission to arrive at the check in station. The four Kai's as well as the Grand Kai and a few fighters were already there, waiting for the two to arrive.
"Well?! Did you defeat him?!" King Kai asked, fists clenched, a nervous habit.
"No, he got away," Pikkon answered.
"What?! How could you let him get away, Pikkon?!" West Kai shouted.
"You see, he just disappeared after we sensed Gohan," Goku explained shortly.

"Gohan? Your son Gohan?" Olibu asked, shocked that anyone could be sensed this far away.
"Yeah, you can still sense him," Goku said, a sort of smug smile on his face when everyone started sensing for his son. His pride in his son only grew when shocked gasps could be heard around the otherwise silent room.
"That's your son?!" West Kai exclaimed, nearly falling over from the power he was sensing.
"But that's just impossible!" East Kai shouted.
"Goku! Janemba could be going to earth right at this minute!! Your friends and family could be in danger!!" King Kai yelled, only just realising the danger the earth, no, universe could be in!
"The entire universe is in danger! With no dimensional barriers, the dead will walk among the living and the living among the dead!! What's worse, is everyone who's in hell already, could break out and destroy everything!! Goku, this means Cell, Freeza and his minions, everyone you, your friends and son helped put in hell, will break out! And where do you think they'll go if that does happen?!" King Yemma yelled, feeling quite panicked himself.

"Earth," Goku said, eyes wide in shock, panic bubbling in his chest. His son might be strong, but against all those people and monsters who would want revenge? They didn’t stand a chance! Not to mention the fact that Cell and the others could have been training themselves, who knows how strong they are now!!
"Goku! I'm sending you, Pikkon and Olibu to earth. If Janemba really sensed Gohan and is on his way there, the you three can team up with your friends and family and defeat this new enemy! Now go!" King Yemma yelled, taking charge, though the Grand Kai was standing just there. The Grand Kai couldn't think of a better plan himself. Nodding, Pikkon and Olibu gathered around Goku, placing their hands on his shoulders.
"Good luck, Goku, you're going to need it," King Kai spoke.
"Don't worry, King Kai, I have Pikkon and Olibu not to mention Vegeta and Gohan," Goku said, a bright smile on his face.

"That's not what I meant," King Kai said, his voice soft. The others in the room looked on, confused, not understanding what the conversation was about.
Goku frowned, slowly realizing what the Kai was talking about.
"Don't worry, King Kai, maybe now, we can sort out our differences," Goku said, hope shining in his eyes.
"I hope so, I really do Goku, for your son's sake," King Kai had a rather worried look on his face. He'd been watching Gohan over the past year and the teen wasn't getting any better, in fact, he was getting worse.
"Wait, Goku," the Grand Kai called before the three warriors could disappear.
"Yes, Grand Kai?" Goku asked, looking curiously at the old man.
"I want you to bring your son, uh, Gohan, right? I want you to bring him here, before things get to heated down on earth," the Grand Kai spoke, smiling lightly at Goku's confused look.
"Feel free to bring the rest of your friends and family, just take 'em on over to my planet, hope to see you soon," the Grand Kai said before he turned and walked away. Goku watched on in confusion before he shrugged.
"I'll see you soon, King Kai!" Goku yelled out. He concentrated, waiting for Olibu and Pikkon to place their hands on his shoulders, before they disappeared.

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