37 6 0

02:47PM Tuesday

[Incoming call from Anon]

"Hello, my Anon gal!"

"Damn, what's with your voice?"

"Yeah, I know, it sounds horrible, doesn't it?"

"No kidding."


"Stop, you're killing my ears with that squeaky voice."

"Mm. Okay. I've calmed down."

"What the hell happened anyway?"

"Don't even ask."

"Oh yeah, why? Did you step into a girl's cubicle and got bleach shoved in your throat?"

"Why would you even ask that ridiculous question?"

"Because I want to."

"Damn no. I would never step inside a girl's bathroom, that's just too much even for Danny."

"That's a total understatement. Danny would've definitely visited the girls at their private harbor. I mean, at least once for the curiosity."

"Actually no, he has never gone over that line."

"And I'm supposed to believe that crap?"

"Very funny, but yes. It's a true fact."

"I disagree, even the judge disagrees."

"The judge? where did you find him?"

"The Danny's book, where else did you think?"

"I don't know, you're stupid brain, you know, the place where the most idiotic ideas spring to life within a millisecond?"

"You sound gayky."

"What's that?"

"Gay and geeky."

"Oh? and you don't?"

"'Course not."

"Yeah, sure."


"Shut with the trashy convo."

"As if it's a trashy conversation."

"I'm just gonna ask the thing I called you for."


"We both go to the same high school and you definitely know quite a lot about me to a stalker extent even but I have no literal clue about who the hell you arenot even your name. So what is it?"

"You already gave me a nickname."

"Still, I want a real name. It just feels like i'm being stalked by some freak."

"I don't want to tell you."



"Sorry, I need to go now."

[Call Ends]

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