➢ Preface

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|Q U I C K N O T E|

Hey, you Lil'Mars 👀

This is my first shot at a dialogue book so this will be entirely an experiment nonetheless; I will try my best at it. I sincerely hope you guys will enjoy my story and leave a short comment and vote.

Some chapters may indicate indecent thoughts but I assure you, this dialogue book is n o t h i n g about suicidal thoughts. I call these chapters just 'full of s a r c a s m ,' although it is the lowest form of whit.

At all cost, grammar/punctuation Nazis must refrain from commenting my mistakes and just enjoy this fluff.

Thank you 🌈

|S Y N O P S I S|

In which a girl calls into the most-wanted-but-avoided boy on Earth. This girl would utter profanities at him every time. Carter could've blocked her. But he didn't.

. . . . .

Don't even ask.

Oh yeah, why? Did you step into a girl's cubicle and got bleach shoved in your throat?

Why would you even ask that ridiculous question?

Because I want to.

. . . . .

|E P I G R A P H|

❝We run the darkness from our eyes,

And face our thousand devious secret mornings

And do not see how the pale mist, slowly ascending,

Shaped by the sun, shines like a white-robed dreamer

Compassionate over our towers bending.


|M A T U R I T Y|

Classed M A T U R E under WP's guidelines.

This book only contains snarky remarks which may relate to mature contents.

There are also a few swear words.

To be honest, I don't think this book is under the 'mature' content but the words may differ in intensity based on you so read at your own risk. I'd say this book is categorized under PG13.

CAUTION: I have warned you already so please don't comment such immature remarks.

|S T A T U S|

Written: 24|07|16

Trial: 24|07|16

Posted: 07|10|17

Status: Ongoing

-Heera now performs the warm welcome-

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