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05:00AM Monday

[Incoming call from Anon]

"Argh, who the fuck is calling?"

"You don't seem too excited to hear from me."

"It's damn five in the morning, what do you think? And if that's not a good enough answer then in my defense, if you always cut the call when someone's speaking, who wouldn't be not-so-excited to hear from the slacker?"

"Now I'm the slacker?"

"That's what I said."

"Says the one who failed all his exams even though he aced all his assignments like a pro."

"Shut up, I bet you're one of those idiot nerds."

"Why do say that?"

"Why would you be acting all cocky just to make me feel angry, you're obviously mad that I used one of your nerd friends to get a's on all assignments." Carter scoffed.

"So you're admitting you're the idiot here?"

"You keep twisting my words, you really need to calm your tits. Literally."


"Yeah, keep laughing though you won't be when I find you and kick your sorry ass to the curb."

"When will that be?"

"Hopefully, very soon."

"I guess I'll be reminiscing about it all night then."

"You're a weird kid, you know that?"

"You mean i'm more interesting than your empty brain cells?"

"You're a serious broken tape."

"Yeah, sure."

"Also, I asked you last time, do I know you?"


"Even if you don't give me an answer, I know you. Of course, not who you are, but maybe we've met sometime before. You go to westlane high so the possibility is way above average."

"Who said I go there?"

"I think you're the idiot since you indirectly told me you go to the same school as soon as you starting talking about my grades."


"Anyway, what grade are you in?"


[Call Ends] 

"You're in 10th grade, I know that."

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