The Rehearsal dinner

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Magnus Pov- "How do I look? Is this tie the right color? Does my suit look nice enough" Alec asked; walking around the room frantically.

Normally I would have found this adorable and funny but it wasn't today. Alec was getting ready for his rehearsal dinner and he was flipping out. Besides the fact that he doesn't want to get married he was also stressing about looking perfect for his future bride. He didn't want to hear her complain about how he looks all night.

"Just relax Alexander. Everything will be alright you'll see" I said trying to sound encouraging but was failing. I didn't want this dinner to happen any more than he did.

Alec ran his hands through his hair messing it up and letting out a loud groan. "Ugh I don't want to do this. I'm getting married tomorrow and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack."

I got off the bed grabbing Alec by the hand and leading him to his desk chair. I pulled it away from the desk before having him sit. Once I knew he wouldn't get up I went to my room to get the hair gel he let me have.

I came back and started fixing his hair. "You need to take some deep breaths. Today's not the wedding, it's just practice and then dinner. I'll be at your side the entire time so you don't have to worry."

Alec looked up at me frowning "Magnus it may only be practice today but it won't be practice tomorrow. What if I freak out during practice and throw up or pass out? Or worse I run out of the place and let all of my family down?"

I frowned moving to the front of him and getting to his level, looking into his eyes. "If you run away then that is your choice to make. I'll be running right behind you. Whatever you choose I will support you."

Alec searched my eyes frowning before leaning up and cupping my face in his hands "I wish it was you I was marrying tomorrow."

His cheeks burned red, obviously embarrassed about what he just said. I could feel myself blushing as well, which wasn't easy to make me do.

I put my hands over his smiling sadly at him "I wish you were marrying me too but that's impossible."

"It wouldn't be impossible if I changed the law" Alec said frowning slightly.

I nodded "yes but we both know you can't. We can't do anything but hide our love in the shadows."

I was hiding more than just our love in the shadows. I was hiding a big elaborate plot to knock Alec and his family off the thrown and out of the palace.

Though honestly I didn't really know what that plan was. All Jonathan told me was to put up cameras and get footage of Alec breaking the law. He didn't really tell me what he planned on doing with that footage.

"Do you really think I can handle doing this for the rest of my life? I hate the very idea of being with Amelia and come tomorrow I'll be with her every day for the rest of my life. I like the thought of having you but I rather we actually be together then just sleeping together."

"I consider us together" I said frowning, but I knew what he meant. He wanted us to be able to hold hands, kiss in public, and go on dates together. He wanted me to be his 'queen.'

I found the thought of that ironic since I was actually the rightful king and I wanted him to be my 'queen'. I guess it shows how much we really do love each other.

I do love Alec but I also know that I can't turn my back on Jonathan or my people. My parents wanted peace for our land and they would hate me giving that all up to be with Alec. I need to take a page from Alec's book and stop being selfish.

Alec is sacrificing everything he believes in for his family so I have to do the same for mine. Even if that means Alec himself is the sacrifice.

Alec held up his trembling hands frowning "look at this. I can't go out there like this Magnus."

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