Becoming a Servant

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Magnus Five Years Old Pov- I walked around the palace halls alone like I did everyday trying to find something to do. I had no siblings and my parents were the king and queen meaning they were always busy. The only time I ever really seen them was during my prince lessons. "Ah Magnus there you are" my mother said walking up to me.

She picked me up smiling and started heading to the throne room "Mommy and daddy have business with an important family and they brought their little boy over to play with you." I clung on to her shirt smiling "Really?" She nodded and went to the throne room where dad was sitting with two dark haired adults. One was a pretty woman with long black hair and brown eyes. The other also had black hair only his eyes were blue.

My mother set me down and my father smiled at me "Come over here Magnus." I walked over to him and looked at a little boy sitting on the couch in between his parents. He had black hair and blue eyes like his father but for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of his. "Magnus this is Alexander Lightwood; will you be so kind as to show him around the palace" my father asked watching me.

I looked up at him nodding before looking back at Alexander who was looking at his mom shyly "it's okay, go ahead" She said rubbing his head. Alexander hesitated before getting off the couch and walking up to me. "Hi I'm Magnus" I said holding out my hand to shake his. He hesitated before slowly putting his hand in mine shaking it "Alexander... it's nice to meet you Magnus" he said so quietly it was almost a whisper.

The shyness only added on to how cute he was. I smiled pulling him by the hand out of the room and into the hallway. "What do you want to see first?" Alexander looked around the hall before looking back at me "Does this palace have a library?" I nodded smiling pulling him to the library "It's huge and has so many books."

We made our way there and the moment we went inside his face lit up with excitement "Wow!" He let go of my hand running to the a random book shelf pulling out books and looking at the covers. "Wow you must really like books." He shrugged pulling out a new book and stroking the cover "This is my favorite book."

Magnus walked over and looked at the big chapter book shocked "You can read that big book?" He nodded "Can't you?" I nodded "Yes but only because my mom and dad got me a teacher, dad said people in the kingdom couldn't read a lot and you're only five." "You're five too you know" He mumbled shoving the book on my chest. "Have you read this book smart boy?"

I grabbed the book looking at the cover. It was a story book full of fairy tales. "My parents only let me read school books." Alexander smiled "Read this one, they are a lot of fun."

I looked at the book again "Why would I read a book about fairy tales when I'm a prince?" Alexander shrugged and went back to looking at the shelves "It's a change from school." Magnus put the fairy tale book on a table by him "You didn't answer how you know how to read so good." "My mom taught me, she grew up in a noble family but she gave up all her money to be with my dad."

Dad had said that if you wanted stuff you had to have money. My parents are trying to make it so everyone can get an education but for right now it was something only the rich could afford. "it's a good thing mom learned how to read then." before I could answer I heard the sound of someone screaming echoing in the hallway.

Alexander looked around before looking back at me "What was that?" "It sounded like my mom" I said softly before running out of the library. Alexander ran after me going with me back to the throne room. when we made it into the room I screamed seeing both my parents bleeding on the floor with Alexanders dad standing over them with a sword covered in blood.

Alexanders dad looked at me before looking at him "Alexander get over here." Alexander hesitated not moving and his dad yelled "Now" making him flinch and run over to him. I watched Alexander frowning before looking down at my parents shaking. "Magnus... you have to run" My father said in a shaky breath before coughing out blood.

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