In Too Deep

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Alec Pov- I sat at my desk looking over a chest board with three pawns sitting on it. The queen pawn, the king pawn, and a normal regular pawn. The queen represented Amelia, the king me, The normal pawn resembled Magnus.

I picked up the queen pawn frowning, looking it over. If I marry Amelia, I will become king and run both Idris and Lynn. Taxes will go up, education will be even more rare, and our kingdoms will hate us. I put that pawn down before picking up the Magnus pawn.

I didn't know for sure if I wanted Magnus himself or just the idea of Magnus. Marrying a guy and being my true self. Not constantly feeling the heavy weight of guilt for being the reason my family was poor. Just thinking about the possibility of freedom made me feel so light yet heavy all at the same time.

Isabelle knows now that I have some sort of feelings for Magnus. She thinks I should follow my heart but she doesn't understand all of the pressure I'm under. I have to become king and do what is right for our family. "This is hopeless" I sighed putting the pawn back down on the board.

"What's hopeless" Jace asked walking into the room. I looked back at him "I don't know what to do. Everyone is expecting me to marry Amelia but I can't stand her. Magnus flirted with me a bit and he says he likes me but he's a servant and a guy. We couldn't possibly be together."

"Sounds like you have a lot on your plate" he said sitting on the corner of my desk and looking over my chest pieces. I looked at him frowning "what should I do Jace? My head is all messed up and I'm torn between my duty to my family and what my heart wants." Jace nodded "are you afraid of what may happen if you choose to be with Magnus?"

"Oh I know what would happen. I would get disowned and exiled, Magnus would be executed, and my sister will be forced to marry someone instead." Jace picked up the knight pawn looking it over in his hands "but if you do get married everyone in the kingdom suffers and so do you." I shrugged "I don't want my people to hurt but my 'suffering' doesn't matter to me."

He shrugged and put his knight pawn down next to my king pawn. "Whatever you choose I will be by your side. I may work for your father but you are the king I will always follow." I smiled up at him "thanks."

He nodded getting off my desk "what do you like about Magnus anyway? He seems like such a cocky prick." I shrugged "He's only like that around you because he doesn't like you." "Well I don't like him either. I'm telling you Alec something about him isn't right."

I leaned back in my chair frowning "what do you think isn't right about him?" He shrugged "not sure yet but I intend to figure it out. I'm constructing a full background check on him. I'm looking up who he lived with, who his friends were, you name it I'm looking into it."

I shook my head "Jace there is no need to figure all that stuff out. Magnus is a good guy so there's nothing you need to look at." Jace shook his head "as captain of the royal guard I can't ignore my gut when it's telling me to do something. For once I can't follow your orders."

I rolled my eyes pushing the chest board away. "yes because you make a habit of listening to me all the time." "If I ever go against your wishes it's because I care about you." I nodded "yes, yes you care all so much. Don't you have a job to do?"

He nodded bowing before walking out of the room leaving me alone again. I watched him sighing before leaning back in my chair looking up at the ceiling. "Why did I have to choose such a hot servant" I asked closing my eyes. I wish I hadn't closed my eyes.

Every time I close my eyes visions of Magnus pop up in my head. I see and feel his warm hot lips as they trail down my neck. I remember the taste of his mouth on mine when I kissed him. The hot feeling that formed inside me just from having his arms around me.

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