Niall sighed, tiredly. He had just landed in New York City. He had a little time to spare, so he made his way to the cafeteria. He ordered a coffee, and a blueberry muffin.

“Thank you.” He said to the worker, and went to find a table. He quickly ate, and chugged down his drink. His phone buzzed, and he quickly pulled it out.

Almost there! – Alfie


Niall smiled, but didn’t response. He quickly called up Harry.

“Hello?” A tired voice answered.

“M’sorry, did I wake you?” He instantly felt bad.

“Yes, but its fine, babe. I told you to call me when you landed.” He yawned.

“Well I landed, and Alfie is on his way.” He spoke, and then grew confused when Harry grunted.

“Harry?” He questioned.

Harry sighed, and ran his hand through his hair. Should he lie? “Um, nothing. I stubbed my toe on the door.”  

Niall was quick to believe him, which Harry was glad. He didn’t want to tell his boyfriend he hated his best friend, even though Niall was perfectly fine without him. Harry scoffed at the wall. He didn’t think it was possibly to dislike someone this much.

“Alfie is here, I’ll text you later. Bye babe!” Niall quickly said, and hung up without waiting for a reply. Harry frowned, shaking his head. Might as well go back to sleep.


“I can’t believe you are here, Ni! It’s been a month? Since your birthday… Well its November now so just about 2 months!” Alfie baffled. He was quick to talk up a storm. Of course he was more then happy to be alone with his best friend.

“We’re coming down for Christmas. I wouldn’t want to miss Christmas traditions with you!” Alfie smiled.

Niall tensed, shit. He thought. He was going to ask Harry to spend Christmas with him. “Me either… I hope you don’t mind Harry joining us.” He said hesitantly.

“Oh.” Alfie simply said. “I just thought, since it’s been a tradition it would just be us.”

 “Well, you remember a couple years ago you brought a girl along, so I don’t see why it matters if I do it. I mean he is my boyfriend.” Niall shrugged. Alfie looked at him shocked, Niall never talked back to him. That is what made Niall the perfect friend, he would always agree with Alfie, and never bother to argue.

Alfie didn’t reply, and Niall assumed he had made him mad. After some time, Alfie finally spoke.

“You’ve never talked back…” He mumbled. Niall opened his mouth to speak, but Alfie cut him off. “He’s changing you. You haven’t been yourself; you barely talk to me anymore. What is happening to you, Niall?” Alfie asked bewildered.

“Excuse me?” Niall asked shocked. “I’m finally done letting people walk over me. I thought you would be happy, and for your information, Harry has not changed me. I’ve done this myself.” He lied a little, because if it wasn’t for Harry he wouldn’t have stuck up for himself. Harry didn’t change him, he helped him. And that a big difference.

Alfie sighed in frustration, “Whatever, Niall. Let’s not talk about this right now.”

Niall instantly agreed, but no words were exchanged between the two boys. They drove the rest in silence, and Niall couldn’t help but think this was going to be a long week. 


Next update will be tomorrow. It will be way better then this chapter! I apologize, but it was needed for many reasons. And if you don't know the reasons it was Narry making up, and the fight with Alfie! 

Question: What do you guys think of Alfie? ;) 

And we reached the goal of 60! Actually we got to 65! :D

Lets get 65 votes! 

Dedication to MiiMyselfandTime because she is amazing, and an amazing writer! :D

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