Before I even got to sit down she started her ramble, "Omg Avery! Isaac is amazing! Thank you so much! He's so hot too! Such a good kisser!"

"TMI Nikki" I said with a chuckle as she blushed at my words.

"Sorry, but he is!" She justified. I could sense that there was something else, you could see it in her eyes.

"But?" I encouraged.

Her shoulders slumped a little before giving in, "He's just so secretive, I love a mysterious man like any other girl but I can't read him at all!"

Isaac was very similar to me, even though he had a financially stable life, he too had a lot of demons in his closet, had a lot of baggage, baggage that was not mine to open to the world. This was something he would have to be willing to do, she needed to know that.

"Give him time Nikki" was all I could say as she nodded in agreement.

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped to look at the door, as I turned to see what captured her attention, in walked Jaxon, not even looking in my direction as he headed straight to his seat. Being ignored by him hurt, my heart thumped at the thought of that.

'I deserved that I guess'

"Dare I ask how things are between the two of you?" She whispered.

I looked at her defeatedly before shaking my head left to right, "Whatever there was, it's gone."

* * *

After being completely ignored by Jaxon the entire day, it was now home time and I was starting to get annoyed with him. He wasn't giving me a chance to talk to him, to explain myself. Yeah I get it, I deserved this treatment but shouldn't I receive the treatment after I've explained myself? That way it's somewhat justified on his behalf?

A tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts, unaware that I had completely zoned out in front of my open locker. I turned around and to my surprise, there stood Brittany with her arms folded across her chest. Her stance alone was enough to confirm that she was not here to share fashion secrets. I let out a sigh as I waited patiently, I knew exactly what this was about.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my tone a little more annoyed than I anticipated

"Yeah you can. You can leave Jaxon alone, he belongs with me" she said in a clipped tone, anger evident in her voice.

I stood there staring at her in disbelief, how can someone be bothered to go through all of this to claim someone who clearly didn't want to be claimed? She was being a typical girl who was hung up on the one guy she couldn't have.

I let out a snicker, much to her shock as I slammed my locker shut, "What are you laughing at?!"

"You. You're being such a fucking cliché Brittany, it's really sad" I said as I began to walk away. I stopped in my track before turning around to add on "He clearly doesn't want you, so move on and no I will not leave him alone."

She growled through her teeth in anger as she stormed past me, nudging my shoulder on her way. As she walked away, she whispered in anger, "You're going to regret this Avery"

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