"Well I'm definitely not opposed to the idea." I could practically see his smug face as he said it.

"Not happening."

"Whatever, then. So, like, do you wanna come over and fuck me or did your last fuck drain you dry? 'Cos I'm really horny and desperate for the cock."

"When aren't you desperate for it, dude?"

"Fair point. So, round two?"

"I'm always game for round two, you know that, Hedley."

"I'll see you soon, then."

"Yeah, you will."

When I got to Hedley's flat, I found him tossed lazily over one of the couches in his communal living area. His university accommodation was one of the more expensive ones, and he shared his flat with around nine other people. One of his flatmates, I think he'd told me her name was Andy, answered their door when I knocked. Her hair was black, curtaining over her pale face in perfectly straight trails. She eyed me up and down, before widening the door and leading me to where Hedley was lying.

"This one of yours?" she asked, slumping herself down on an opposite couch, where she began eating a bowl of meekly made pasta.

"Isaac," he smiled. "Hey. Andy just got back, thought we'd have the flat to ourselves but I guess not."

"I won't apologise for living in my own flat, Hedley, if that's what you're hinting at. And I won't leave, either. You'll just have to keep it down, when he's putting it up."

"Well aren't you fucking rude," he snapped. "Don't listen to her, she's just pissed that her full name is Andromeda zu Aufenig-Anseldorf. I think it matches her dull, androgynous personality myself, what do you think?"

I stayed silent.

Andromeda didn't. "Stop being such a living, breathing stereotype, Hedley. We all get it, you're here and you're queer. But there's no need to be such a bitchy bottom about everything."

"Well aren't we angry today," he laughed. Andromeda simply tutted and continued eating her pasta, while Hedley hopped himself up enthusiastically off of the couch and started leading me to his bedroom. As he did, he turned back briefly, and called back to Andy, "Keep you ears open, Andy, this is about as close to any action you're gonna get."

"Fuck you, Hedley. You're a piece of shit."

"And you're a stupid slag."

As soon as his bedroom door was closed, his hands were on me, all over me. He grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pushed me onto his bed, so that he could climb on top and grind against my lower body. His face came down to meet mine, at that moment, and we shared a brief kiss.

Then his hands started rubbing against the denim of my jeans, clutching at my hardening crotch, and desperately trying to get inside. Just as his mouth was about to engulf my entire dick, I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him off.

"I don't know if I'm feeling it," I heard myself saying.

I don't really know what came over me, but for the first time in my life, sex kind of felt dirty. The way we barely even spoke to each-other, and how fast it was all going, it had suddenly gotten too much for me. I don't think I actually wanted to fuck Hedley, at least not at that time.

"What do you mean, you don't know if you're feeling it? You're always feeling it," he said, rolling his eyes. He forced himself into a cross-legged sitting position on his bed.

"I dunno, I'm just not."

"Then why did you even come over?" he asked harshly.

"I don't know. You called me, didn't you? What was all that about, then?"

"It was a fucking booty call, and a useless one at that," Hedley said.

"Well I'm sorry," I offered.

"So are you going to fuck me or not?"

"Maybe another time, I guess."

"Then get out."

I coughed. "Fucking fine."

"Call me when you're not being a cock-blocking cunt, yeah?"

I slammed his bedroom door behind me, and followed the hallway down to the end. When I looked into the living area, I saw Andromeda peering over at me. She looked me up and down, then flicked her shimmering black hair over each shoulder, before tutting. "I see he treats you like shit too," she murmured. "Just like everyone else."

"I'm not everyone else, he just needs reminding of that."

"Well fucking remind him then, or else you'll get swept under the rug, just like Brad, and Alex, and Shaun, and Dean, and Cooper, and-"

"I get it."

"And don't be gentle with him. Hurt him, please. He needs knocking down a few pegs, if you ask me."

The look on Hedley's face when I barged back into his room was one dribbled in shock. I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and thrashed him hard against the nearest wall. He squirmed in my arms, but he knew it was helpless trying to fight back. I was just as good as treating people like shit, and maybe he didn't know it yet. But he was about to.

"What are you doing?" he coughed, prying at my hands around his neck, but I had a much firmer grip than he did. I squeezed harder and harder, watching my hand-prints deepen and redden around his neck. I watched his face go red and purple and blue, and just as it did, I leaned in and tore at his lips with my teeth, pulling on his bottom lip. I shoved my tongue into his mouth, tightened my grip a little more, and finally released him.

I watched him fall to the floor, wheezing and coughing madly, and it felt good. Better than ever before. It had been so long since I'd last lost control, and well, it invigorated me from head to toe.

"What the fuck was that?" he screeched, his arms flailing, his breath growing deeper. I waited for it to settle in his little head, what I'd just done to him. When he stood back up, he punched me straight in the jaw, sending me back a few steps. I was expecting a response, but I didn't know he had such a good punch. That was when he came for me, grabbing me by the hips and sending me flying to the floor with him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, trying to pull him off of me, but he was too squirmy and wiggly for me to get a grip. When I finally managed to get a hold of him, I tossed him off of me and held him against the nearest wall. He was panting and heaving, his face pressed against the wall by my hand. The rest of his body was held in place by mine. He couldn't move.

"Fuck you, Isaac," he spat.

"Fuck you," I repeated. "You sure?" I unzipped my jeans.

"Oh, so now you're fucking feeling it, are you? Is that what gets you going? Knocking me around?" he asked, still pressed against the wall. "Well what are you waiting for? Fuck me."

I let him go for a second, before slamming him harder against the wall this time. He called out in pain, but he made no sign for me to stop, so I didn't. The wall splattered with blood from his mouth, but it didn't seem like he cared. I could feel blood dripping from my face, too, from my nose and into my mouth and dripping off the edge of my chin. The taste of it sent me wild. I couldn't contain myself. I pulled his jeans down and thrusted into him quickly. He gasped when I did.

He moaned loud, when I fucked him.

But this time, I was moaning too.

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