I have to!

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I need to. She needs to know... Somebody needs to. Mum needs to know. "Mum. Can I speak to you. Privately." I say at the dining table, which I was forced to eat at. "Yes Tyler." she says. Dad gives me a quick look and it says in his eyes how warning he is. My stomach flips and I feel extremely dizzy. I jump up. "Umm. I'm just going to go to the toilet." I stutter. "Okay. Do you want one of us to come with you?" mum asks. "No" I murmur. "Okay." she says turning back to her dinner. I run to the bathroom and puke. How do I tell her. I just HAVE TO.

Sorry this was a short one. I will try to make the next one longer. Comment any ideas on how to tell her I have a few but a bit of help can't hurt. Can it?

Help Me... (Joshler)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt