All I know...

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All I know is that Tyler didn't go to the toilet... He ran! I wasn't there for him... And he ran. I should have known I should have been there. I should have been with Tyler... I should have asked to go to the toilet aswell... This is all MY fault. I shouldn't have made him come to school... He wanted to skip it and I hesitated. I don't even know where Tyler is. Suddenly sirens sound and there is flashing lights through the bushes. All I think is TYLER! What's happened. The school is looking for him. And the gates have been locked up since 8:30 this morning when school started. So he couldn't have got out. I keep telling myself it's not Tyler but how can I believe myself when he has not returned from his journey to the toilet. The break time bell rang and I ran straight to the toilet. Because you never know... But nothing. It's okay I only have four more lessons now till the end of the day then... Then... I don't know... He could be at home but. Maybe not. I guess that's all that I know.

Help Me... (Joshler)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat