Do I dare?

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What should I do? I thought of telling mum weeks ago and I attempted to but... He caught me! I didn't do it at the best of times though, I did it when he was on his way home... So maybe... NO! I can't! If I do he'll do it again... And he has warned me... No... Never... Just Josh... "Tyler, dinner" mum shouts up. I run down stairs grab my food and go and sit down in my room whereas my family is in the living area... It's just to awkward around my dad at the moment... "Tyler? Why are you going upstairs to eat?" she asks.
"Because..." I say. I sit on my bed... I was thinking again. I tried to distract myself by turning on the TV but it just annoyed me so I turned it off again. I could hear my mum and dad muttering that night... "Why isn't he sitting with us or being very social Chris..." mum muttered to dad
"Maybe it's a phase kelly?" said dad... He knows why and so do I... But mum doesn't. My phone makes a slight vibration and I automatically know who it is... Josh! He was back! I can finally speak to someone... I felt safe again... Kind of... I put on my favourite songs and closed my eyes...

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