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***This is referring to parents knowing your orientation.

Ultimately it is your call, and you will have to deal with the consequences. But there is some strategy to telling your parents.

If your parents are homophobic, best to wait till you're in college/not living with them. If you think it's clear to tell, then by all means tell. But unless you are for certain they are on board and cool with a nonstraight kid, expect the worst reaction.

Me? My mom knows while my dad has no clue.

Mom: no problem with queer ppl but isn't comfortable discussing lgbt things. Says I shouldn't label myself because I don't actually know what I am yet and she doesn't want me to "put myself in a box".
Okay so her intentions are well-meaning but I still disagree. Over and over I see the pattern of how I crush on people and it ALWAYS a girl. Sorry mom but I'm calling it. Questioning since sixth grade... Still in the same pattern... Yeah I'm comfortable saying I'm lesbian. As for the "box", as long as you accept the notion sexuality is fluid, you shouldn't have a box to be put into. We choose our labels and we change over time. It's okay. Making ourselves make sense to others is the difficult part.

Dad: very homophobic, also has no solid knowledge on lgbt facts, he's not about to know till I'm in college. I don't think he'd "kick me out of the house" but I wouldn't be entirely surprised if he tried to send me to a conversion therapy thing. However, I know my mom would never let that happen, thankful for that confidence.
So this is about where I know a lot of people my age find themselves, except with both parents. My best advice is bide your time and wait. Find friends who are supportive and some whose parents are also supportive. If possible, go to a youth lgbt hangout so you can meet others like you. And there's always help lines. The video with this post is also super encouraging so enjoy.

Conversion therapy: this truly freaks me out even without having firsthand knowledge of it. I also do not personally know anyone who's been through it. I do however have a friend who's seen ads for the "therapy" in church (Roman Catholic idk further details). She says the ad alone freaks her out. I am confident those programs do NOT work. They only succeed in suppressing the matter via negative association to feelings of attraction with punishments - I have seen some clips of people explaining what happened to them in the "therapy".  Thats it for this blurb.

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