How Do You Know If A Girl Is Queer?

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Well there's always the stereotype route....

Except often it doesn't work. I wear tank tops and muscle tanks quite a lot, as well as a snapback sometimes. Guess what, people assume I'm straight - like nine times out of ten. Those who have suspected I'm nonstraight have all been queer themselves so they knew the the tall-tell traits from their own experiences. Personally, I don't bring up my own sexuality unless its germane to the convo - ie if I need to shut down bashing, someone comes out to me, if I'm asked. I don't want to make it the highlight of how people know me.

To help figure out if people are at least lgbt friendly, I ask them about their relationship, if they have a bf/gf, how many in the past, stuff like that (somewhat helpful in high school at least). Depending on standing knowledge I may or may not offer the same sex option for the bf gf q. Or if som'n lgbt related made big news I can ask their opinion on that, like whether it's positive or negative.

So yeah there's not really a good stereotype everyone follows. Get to know the girl as a person, then perhaps it'll come up.

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