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I sped back to Jay's house because I didn't know what was wrong. After driving for a while I finally pulled up to his small house.

I used the key he gave me and walked in. "JAY!"

"I'm upstairs!"

I went upstairs and into the bedroom and he was laying on his stomach. His bandage had blood all over it. "What happened?"

"I tried to get up... I think I moved the wrong way and too fast."

I took the bandage off and looked at it. "You popped your stitches. Come on, we have to go to the hospital."

I helped him up slowly and we went to my car.
"I shouldn't have left you alone like that, I apologize. I should've went downstairs or something." I said as I drove to the nearest hospital.

"Don't apologize, It's my fault. I deserve it."

I wanted to agree but I said nothing. When we got to the hospital, I helped him out and sat him down in a chair. "I'll go sign you in."

I told the lady his name and she printed out a wristband for me. "Thank you."

I went back over to Jay and put the wristband on him.


"Please, don't."

"I gotta say this." I nodded and looked straight ahead. "I'm really sorry. I need you right now. You help me stay sane. I was thinking about how you make me so happy... You're all I think about, really. Nobody else. That whole Vanessa thing, that's old. She was calling to be problematic because she heard I got a girl now. Please, forgive me for my stupidity but, I'm maturing. You're helping me mature... I'm not that guy anymore. I would never think about doing anything like that now. I care for you too much. I love you too much."

"I forgive you..."


"No but."

"For real?"


"Then come over here and kiss me or something."



"You heard me."

"But, why?"

"You're on punishment. You fucked up, I won't just let that go. But, I won't leave you."

"That's good enough for me." He said and gave me a hug with one arm.

"Please don't make me regret my decision to stay with you."

I am still upset a little bit but it happened before we were really together. You ARE supposed to be loyal in the 'talking' stage but... Whatever.

"Carter?" They called. I helped him up and we went back to get his stitches fixed.


"Where did Jay go?" Kanye asked me.

"If he didn't tell you then he didn't want you to know." I shrugged.

"Man, you think he's really mad?"

"You go too far. All the time."

"I was just playing!"

"Yeah right." I laughed. "Why you so pressed now, anyway?"

"Because at the end of the day that's still my brother, and I want to make sure he's good."

"Please." I sat down and counted the same stacks over and over again. "Something's not right."

"What's wrong?"

"We're short. We're never short."

Kanye looked around and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Damn, man."

He had this look on his face. I don't know what to describe it as.

"Look, I'm about to dip. If I hear anything I will let you know." And he all but ran out.

"The hell is wrong with him?" I asked out loud.

I had to make sure it wasn't anybody in here stealing from us so I checked around some of the workers and stuff. I came up with nothing.

I put the stacks away and left. I was driving down 81st and I seen Kanye with these dudes from G-unit. This ain't right. Kanye wasn't killing them and they weren't killing Kanye so I was confused. Then, it clicked in my mind. Kanye is working with them. They are trying to get to Jay and what better way than his own brother?

I shook my head and called Jay.

"Jay, we got a problem."


"One, we short on this weeks profit. And two, Kanye is responsible for it."

"Damn, I knew something was off!"

"And he's been chilling with G-unit. They really got it out for you."

"We can't let him know that we know."

"What are we supposed to do?"

"Get some guys watching him like he watching us."


"I can't do this shit no mo', Ty."

"What you mean?"

"This street shit... It ain't really for me. I got priorities now."

"I feel you."

"I want to start a family one day. I don't need my girl and my child at home scared for my safety."

"I really respect that. That has got to be the realest shit you ever said."

"I'm growing up. It's about time I do something other than selling drugs, anyway."

I wonder if he's saying this for real or just because Beyoncé is in the background. I shrugged and ended the call with Jay.

Now to watch Kanye, my so called brother.

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