Wedding Day:

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The big day was finally here, and you were now 9 months pregnant. The wedding was huge, and of course, even though you didn't want it to be, it was public. Outside in a beautiful garden, and paparazzi were buzzing all over the place. It was probably the biggest wedding you had ever seen, and the seats were all split up, one side was all of your family and people associated with you, like friends, family friends, friends of family, blah blah blah, and the other side was George's family and associates.

You were all smiles, thinking nothing could go wrong, and soon it was time to walk down the isle and step onto the alter. You began walking onto the freshly cut grass, your father escorting you all the way up to the alter and kissing your cheek before sitting back down. You smiled at George, and he smiled back at you, holding his hands out with open palms, signalling you to take his hands. You did, and held on tight, you both looked into each other's eyes the whole time.

You were so elated, you just wanted to hold onto the feeling forever.

Just then...out of the corner of your eye, you saw a blonde lady with bangs dressed all in black sit down all the way in the back, closest to the isle. You felt almost all of your happiness turn to shock.

It couldn't be...There was no way they'd let her come back here...

But your guess was right, because you turned your head only for a quick second to see who it was and saw it was her. The nerve she had...Pattie Boyd, at your wedding.

At that instant, George also knew there was something wrong, neither of you were just going to talk aloud, because the preist was only 2 minutes into his speech. You looked at him then looked to the side with your eyes to show him who you were looking at. He looked as well, and instantly saw her, but acted as if he was looking at his family, since Pattie was actually sitting on his side of the family.

He smiled at his mom then made eye contact by accident with Pattie, she smiled, showing the gap in her teeth. She also managed to fit in a little wave before George looked away and back at you.

You squinted at him angrily, thinking he had invited her, to which he responded with shaking his head.

"She needs to leave." You mouthed without saying anything.

George shushed you, as if to say; "Relax, it's our wedding day."

So the two of you then waited in silence for the preist to be done, again that feeling coming back of overwhelming happiness that made you feel hot inside.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The preist said and stepped aside as George got closer to you and kissed you on the lips for a while.

Everyond stood up, clapping, cheering, crying, a lot of emotions were filling the room, and in that moment, neither of you thought of Pattie. Or how she had gotten in, nothing but eachother.

You held hands and just stood there loving everything about the moment you both were experiencing as a married couple. Cameras were flashing everywhere, and soon everyone would know of you both.

And what ruined it all, was when you saw Pattie talking to a man part of the paparazzi. She was saying something, but you couldn't hear it of course over all of the noise. So you both just waited for the guests to settle down and sit at their tables and talk until it was time for cake.

You and George were sitting down as well, with a perfect view of Pattie. "George..." You said quietly while he was talking to a few friends. "Yes, dear?" He responded.

You pointed at Pattie, telling him to do something, which made him stand up and walk towards her.

When he got there, he noticed that the man Pattie was talking to had a notepad open, and he was writing stuff down that Pattie was telling him. This obviously meant she was up to no good.

"Pattie," George started.

"George!" She said excitedly. "We'll finish this talk later." Pattie told the man and shooed him away.

"What're you doing here? You have to leave." George turned her around.

"How could I miss your wedding? That would be so incredibly rude of me."

"No, it would be the opposite of rude. You have to go, now." He demanded.

"Oh, George. I'm so glad you came to talk to me." She stopped George from leading her away. "I've missed you. Don't you miss me? I forgive you for cheating on me with her." She explained.

"Pattie..." George started.

But he wasn't able to finish, Pattie right then and there kissed your husband.

But George fought to push her away, which got captured by the cameras.

"George! Ya two-timing could you did that?" John stumbled up to George, drunk beyond belief.

"Jesus, John. Drink some water." George handed John his cup filled with water.

"And could you get security or something? I'm having trouble with this one." George said quietly into John's ear.

"You didn't hire a security system" John almost fell trying to finish his sentence.

"We'll take care of it for you though." He added.

"Paul! PAUL!" John yelled.

Paul, who was also wasted, he could barely keep his eyes open, walked over and grabbed Pattie's arm, John grabbing her other, they began escorting her out of the area.

"Hey!" Pattie exclaimed.

John pointed ahead of him, "Onward! To the wall!" He slurred.

"No, No. To the car." Paul corrected him.

"Oh yes, the car." John shook his head and they both took Pattie away.

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