The Next Day:

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For days, George had been sleeping on the couch, and going out a bit more often.

He couldn't get the thought of the girl he was growing more and more feelings for day by day. He wasn't much thinking about Pattie, because the divorce wasn't official yet. The papers were coming in soon, but he continued the act with the press, along with Pattie.

They both acted like a happy couple on camera, but when home they completely ignored eachother. Little did Pattie know that George was serious about the divorce, and when the papers came in, that's when she knew there was no joke.

"Pattie." George called from downstairs in the dining room. Pattie slowly walked down the stairs and looked at him as he pulled a large tan envelope out of a flat box.

He looked up at her, then quickly looked back down. "Can you come here for a moment?"

Pattie made a face and sat down at the table, just as he slid a pile of neatly stacked papers in front of her all held together with a paper clip.

She giggled, "What's this?" She asked clearly clueless.

George sat down across from her, not saying a word. She picked up the first page and read it aloud. "Divorce Application?" She bit her lip.

"George...What're you saying?"

"I think the paperwork speaks for itself..." He muttered after a while.

" can't do that! George, I love you." She stood up.

"Enough with the act, Pattie. I know what you're up to. Everyone does."

"What are you talking-?"

"You don't care about me, I could drop dead for all you care. You're using me for your sneaky little plans."

"That's ridiculous, outright stupid. Where did you ever get an idea as crazy as-?"

"Ah, Shhh." George held up a finger to shush her. "It was obvious. The only people who don't notice are the idiots who snap constant photos behind their stupid cameras." He stood up. "Sign these, and we can get this over with so you can go trick someone else. Please. How about Mr. Clapton, huh? You two seem to have quite the thing going on." George finished and walked out of the room.

* * * *
"Already?! George, that's insane. You're going to get so much hatred from fans of Pattie." Ringo crossed on leg over the other in his chair.

George shrugged, "I hate to be rude, but she's not that powerful. I might not get as much hate as you think I might." He talked quietly.

"When did you divorce?" John asked.

"It's not official, she filled out the papers about a week ago after I did. But I made the decision two thursdays ago." George bit his nails.

Paul looked away quickly, he then drank his water in attempt to rid what he was feeling.
"Are you certain this is what you want?" Ringo scratched his face.

"Yes." George responded plainly.

Paul, who now wasn't paying attention huffed and tapped his fingernails quietly on the table. "Paul, may I speak to you for a moment? About...the queen." He stood up and fixed his suit.

"Well, yes of course. The queen is quite beautiful, and charming, she seems like an interesting topic conversation." Paul then followed George out of the room and around the corner.

"I don't think they're talking about the Queen, John." Ringo put a cigarette in his mouth.

"Of course they're not." John lit Ringo's cigarette up with a lighter.

"Paul, When's the last time you saw her?" George started.

"Seen who?"


"Well, I dunno. Maybe uh...the last time you were with me at the club."

"I have to-"

"Wait a minute. You're not trying to see her already, are you? George you're not even divorced yet...!" Paul whisper yelled.

"I know that, I know that. But it's not like I'm going to ask her to marry me or anything." George said.

"Well then...go call her. But do not get caught with her in public." Paul pointed at the phone on the wall.

George quickly ran to the phone, Paul standing next to him as he dialed the number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello? {Y/N}?" George held the phone close.

"How'd you know it was me?" George then chuckles as she talks to him.

"Well listen, I'd love to see you again. Do you think you'd be up for it?"

George's eyes darted back and forth around the room listening to her response. He then smiled,
"Great. Awesome. I'll pick you up tonight.
Okay, goodbye." He put the phone back and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Private club only, George. Please." Paul ordered.

"Of course." George half smiled and tickled Paul's ear before walking out the room and back to John and Ringo.

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