Act Naturally:

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Finally The Beatles had finished their tour, and they were all on their way back to their hometown to get some rest with their women.

"I still CANNOT believe you said that on live television, George." Paul said, breaking the silence amongst the four.

"I still can't believe that we're not expected to arrive back until 11 in the morning tommorow." Ringo added.

"I still can't believe you're still complaining about that." John joked.

"I still can't believe I'm going to be a father..." George laid back in his seat, shocked, and not necessarily the good kind.

"George, are you sick?" Paul put his hand over George's forehead.

"No..." George answered.

"Then what possessed you to tell the entire world you're seeing {Y/N}?" Paul asked.

"Bloody hell Paul get over it, He's a celebrity, people all over the place will have a divorce and get married the same year. Nobody cares for long." John looked over at Paul.

"It's not just that, it's what Pattie might do. Just because she doesn't have the pictures doesn't mean she won't spresd rumours...or even worse, she might try to take more."

"Paul, what sense would that make? The first time it would have been terrible. Only because George and Patricia were not fully split yet. But since they are now, having Pattie take more pictures of them fooling around would be a violation of their privacy." Said John.

Paul shrugged, partially coming to terms.

"George, you've got a phone call." George Martin said, holding up the phone that was connected to the wall by a wire.

George quickly hopped off his chair and speed walked to the phone, taking it from the band manager and holding it up to his ear. "Hello, this is
George...Harrison, not Martin."

"Oh thank goodness, I thought I had alzheimers already." A familiar woman's voice said from the other line. George recognized it instantly.

"{Y/N}! You called!" George smiled.

"Yeah, I did. To talk..." You said sounding a little angry.

George cringed, knowing what he was in for, but then again...

"What do you want to talk about honey pie?" He said in a low quiet voice hoping to calm you.

"Ohh nothing...Just to talk about what all of that was on nATIONAL TELEVISION LAST NIGHT?!" You shouted.


"You what? You told the whole world about me-?"

"I didn't give a name, darling."

"George, baby. I love you. I do. But what the hell...?! You portrayed me as a terrible liar. You made it seem like you left 'sweet sweet' Patricia Boyd for me."

"Well...I kind of did..."

You gasped, about to flip out on him, before he started talking again. "But, not for the reason you think. I left her because I was in love with you. We were in love with eachother. And I didn't want to let someone like you go." George finished.

"Of course. I know that, George. I love you. As I've said it about 100 times but I would also like to am I a liar?"

"Oh we'll surely talk about that when I arrive home tommorow morning., alright? Okay. Goodnight. I love ya." He said, not letting you fit in a word and hung the phone back onto the receiver and walking away.

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