¤Chapter 72¤

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Erin's POV (good)

I walked down the hall, searching for the other me. She can't be that far. I turned the corner and bumped into someone, causing me to fall on my butt.

"I'm sor-- Erin."

I looked up and saw Logan. I smiled and stood up, wrapping my arms around him.

"Logan! I'm so glad you're okay." I said. He stood still, causing me to pull back.

I looked up at him and saw he was glaring down at me. I stepped back, confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're so glad I'm okay? You don't care. After all, I'm just the one that was going to kill himself." He said, pushing past me.

My eyebrows creased until a thought popped into my head.

"No! It wasn't me. It was the evil Erin." I said, turning towards him. He scoffed and kept walking.

"You must have fallen and hit your head, Luna." He spat. I gritted my teeth and turned around.

I sniffed the air, smelling everyone's scent. A different scent floated by my nose, causing me to sniff deeply.

It smelled like... smoke and ashes. I growled, running towards the smell. It has to be coming from me. Evil me.

I entered the kitchen and saw Kayla talking to Benny. I smiled, approaching them.

"Hey, guys," I said. Benny turned around while Kayla stayed facing the other way.

"Luna. You need anything else?" Benny asked.

"Benny. It's me, Erin. The real one." I said. He kept a straight face.

"We know who you are, Luna." He said. Kayla turned around, glaring at me.

"How about you go brag to someone else about how you're better." She said. I frowned at her.

"Kayla. I know you're upset about whatever that Erin did to you, but you have to believe me. That wasn't me." I said. She glared at me, causing me to step back.

"You told me to get a grip! A freaking grip! I was worried sick about you and you just threw it back in my face." She said, growling. Benny stepped up and grabbed Kayla's arm.

"Sorry, Luna. Please forgive, Kayla." He said. My face scrunched up.

"Don't say sorry and stop calling me Luna," I said, growing annoyed.

Kayla grunted and turned around. Benny glared at me before turning as well.

I sighed, walking out the kitchen. I'll deal with them later. I walked down the hall, sniffing the air.

I turned the corner and saw it was the hall with Xavier's office. I couldn't hear any voices, but the smell was coming from there.

I sucked in a breath before opening the door.

I looked around the room and saw the evil me standing with her back to me.

I slammed the door, causing her to turn around. Her eyes went wide before they narrowed at me.

"How did you get out?" She asked. I smirked at her, leaning my back against the door.

"I had a little help," I said, glaring at her. She growled, stepping towards me.

"You can't stop me, Erin." She said.

"Oh, but I can, Erin," I said, growling. She growled and went for the window. I ran towards her and grabbed for her shirt.

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