¤Chapter 1¤

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"Erin." I groaned and turned over. I felt breathing on my face, making me scrunch up my nose.

I opened one eye and regretted it immediately. My dad was standing in my face, glaring at me. I returned the look and sat up.

"What?" I asked, harshly. He growled, making me look at his stomach. He is always hungry.

"Get up. We need to leave now." He said. I rolled my eyes and crawled to the other side of the bed. I got up and stretched my arms out.

"You know," He started. I turned around and kept the glare on my face.

"You better stop disrespecting me. Do you want to get punished again?" He asked. I scoffed.

"I don't feel pain anymore," I said. In a flash, he was in my face, grabbing onto the collar of my tank top. He lifted me off the ground and I was dangling in the air.

"You will always feel pain. You just don't show it." He snarled. He released me and I fell to the floor. He kicked me in my side, making me bite my lip.

"Are you in pain?" He asked. I kept my mouth closed. He kicked me in my side again, making me flip over on my back.

"Are you in pain, now?" He asked again.

I shook my head no. I won't give him the satisfaction. He laughed humorlessly. He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me up.

"Every day you're here, I start liking you less." He whispered in my ear. I tried to get out of the hold, but he was too strong.

"The feeling is mutual," I mumbled.

He began to walk out of my room, my hair still in his hand. I pulled at his hands, but that only made him yank my hair. He led me downstairs and into the living room. Olivia was sitting on the couch, on her laptop.

"Olivia." My dad called. She looked up at him then her eyes slowly found mine. She glared but had a smile on her face.

"What's going on?" She asked.

He threw me on the floor in the middle of the room. My body hit the table, making glass shatter everywhere.

"She says she doesn't feel pain." He said. Olivia laughed and closed her laptop. She got up and walked towards me. I looked down at my arm and saw a piece of glass sticking out of it. I looked up at Olivia and glared.

"You're still not going to back down, are you?" She asked. I stood up and glared at both of them. I looked at my dad right in the eyes and began pulling the glass out of my arm. I gritted my teeth.

It came out and I threw it on the floor. He chuckled and walked up to me. I stood my ground.

"One day, you're going to end up dead like your mother." He said.

Before I knew it, my fist was connecting with his nose. He stumbled back only a few feet. I felt someone wrap their arms around my body.

"She loved you! She loved you with all her heart! You beat her so bad, she didn't know if she would see the next morning!" I yelled. He wiped his face with the back of his sleeve. He glared at me and I saw his eyes were black. Oh no. This isn't good.

I started to struggle in Olivia's arms. Whenever his eyes would turn black, it would get ugly. He told me he had an eye problem, but I believe it's something more. He might be possessed. Oh my god! He is-

"You will pay for that." He grabbed me by my neck and Olivia released me. He began strangling me. I pulled at his hands, but he wasn't moving. I tried to catch my breath.

My Long, Lost Best FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin