Over again

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Once everything was all set, Fred, George, Potter, Mavis, and I had already apparated to the Kings Cross Station. But once we landed there. There was a loud thump and we looked around seeing Mavis in the ground

"You okay?" I asked her reaching out my hand for her to grab it

"Yes I am, apparating made me dizzy" She answered grabbing my hand for support.

"You ready to go?" Fred asked her

"Ofcourse I am! Who wouldn't be?" She said smirking

"That's our Mavis" George said smiling patting her back. All of us went inside the train station and made our way to the platform nine and three quarters

"So where is platform nine and three quarters again?" Mavis asked curiously

"You're standing right infront of it" I answered pointing the platform between nine and ten

"It's only nine and ten" She answered furrowing her eyebrows

"Well actually you have to go ran straight to the wall in order to get there" Potter said

"Are you kidding me?" Mavis almost shrieked "Do you want me to collide with the wall?"

"You're not colliding with the wall" Fred laughed

"You'll enter the platforms nine and three quarters by doing that" George sniggered

"Watch and learn" Potter said, running straight to the platform and disappeared. Mavis had her eyes wide open and looked at it in disbelief

"What in the name of Merlin was that?" She said astounded

"Magic" George winked at her before running straight to the platform along with his twin

"Us next" I said smirking grabbing her arm. She looked at me with a panicked expression

"Draco I think we couldn't-"

"Yes we can we've ran through this platform for how many times come on" I chuckled grabbing her hand and ran through the platform

"Draco!" She yelled as we were nearing the platform. I saw in my peripheral vision that she closed her eyes and waited for the collision but it didn't come, instead We entered the platform nine and three quarters

I laughed at her expression as she peaked a little. Then her blue eyes widened to see the very Hogwarts express right infront of her

"Woah" She said in amusement walking around

"Incredible huh?" I asked wrapping my arm around her shoulder

"It is. So what's next?" She asked

"You'll find Fred and George inside the train. Seat with them okay? You'll see me soon. I hope you'll remember the first time you've meet us" I smiled at her and kissed her forhead good bye.


As soon as Draco left me standing cluelessly. I entered the Hogwarts express and journeyed inside looking for Fred and George

As soon as I reached a compartment nearby. I saw two red heads I immediately thought about Fred and George. And I was right it was them.

I knocked on the compartment and slid the door open. I beamed at them as they beamed back

"Hello there!" They exclaimed together

"I'm George-"

"And I'm Fred-"

"We're the Weasleys!" They said in unison making me laugh, I smiled at them. Then there was something in my head. A light where I saw the three of them. But younger looking faces.

"Ringing any bell?" George asked thoughtfully as they looked at me

"Yes!" I said almost yelling at the process "It was.. This was the first time we met right? But there's something missing someone in particular. Younger red head" I said recalling my memory

"She remembers George" Fred said his eyes glistening with tears. I smiled at them shaking my head

Right on cue, Harry soon entered the compartment with a smile on his face


"Hello Harry" I said softly wrapping my arm around Harry's shoulders as the three of us talked during the whole ride.

"Never in my life would I imagine recalling this scene" George said sniffing softly "Meeting our best friend again"

"I know George, it's so sad, and at the same time happy because we can happily recall how the three known pranksters in Hogwarts met" Fred added wiping his tears. I looked at them and chuckled.

Oh how I wish I could remember everything

After the train ride, the twins excused themselves and exited the compartment leaving Harry and I

"Come on, we have to walk to the carriages" Harry said grabbing my hand and escorting me through the carriages but then, I saw Draco Malfoy the one I loved, with a sneer plastered on his face. Yet, he still looked handsome and full of grace. I smiled at him as he walked over us

"Potter got youself a girlfriend aye?" His silver blue eyes met mine as we both struggled not to laugh. "You don't have to date scarhead, date me instead. I deserve you as much as you deserve me" He smirked taking my hand gently. But then I started to laugh.. hard. Grabbing their attention.

"You really said that the first time we met each other?" I jeered poking his sides. Draco laughed smiling brightly at me

"Well yes, yes I did. And this is where you got mad at me and turned me into a toad" Harry snorted pursing his lips into a tight line preventing himself from laughing

"Problem Potter?"

"Just remembered the look on your face back then" Harry answered smiling. Draco sighed and shook his head. He soon wrapped his left arm in my waist as they guided me in the carriages

Fred and George were already there talking to each other. Once they had spotted us, they waved at us as we journeyed through Hogwarts.

One word: woah. That was my description of Hogwarts. It was so magical and grand. It was a magnificent castle right infront of me. But there was something flashing right in my eyes. Red and Green jet of lights flashing everywhere and fire burning

"What was that" I suddenly said outloud. Everyone looked at me in curiosity as I took a deep sigh

"There were green and red lights flashing everywhere" I told them. Everyone's eyes widened as they looked away

"What happened?" I asked worriedly looking at them not knowing what have I said wrong

"It was the Second battle of the Wizarding world. Battle of Hogwarts, which happened nearly a year ago" Harry explained looking at the castle which was nearing before us.

"Fred almost died if it wasn't because of you Mavis" George whispered smiling at me brilliantly

I looked at George in disbelief "I saved a life?"

"Yes you did, dozens of them" Fred answered this time

"You were a great warrior, maybe the strongest witch in our generation" George added. I felt my cheeks flushed deep red

"Well, I am honoured." I said smiling at them

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