Story of us

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"I'm so sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy" Kingsley said sighing. He looked at me with sympathy pursing his lips

"I want to take care of her first Minister. Please give me permission to absent almost everytime because I have to focus first on Mavis. Please understand that I want to get her memories back so everything will be back to normal" I said my voice shaking slightly, "It still hurts to think that she woke up after a month not remembering everyone even me and Chloe or either her twin siblings and her bestfriends Fred and George"

"I understand Mr. Malfoy, I grant you permission but in one condition" Kingsley said looking at me "You still have to attend your training even once or twice a week."

I sighed looking at him "Okay then"

"Thanks Minister, thank you for understanding" I bowed my head before leaving the Minister's office. Almost every single person in the Ministry was looking at me, whispering and pointing at me. Discussing about what happened to my soon to be wife or about my family. I sighed apparating back to Diagon Alley

"Draco!" Fred yelled as soon as I opened the door to our flat.

"Fred? What are you doing here?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows

"Actually we were just waiting for you to show up so that we can discuss our plans" George stated

"Plans? For what?" I asked confused

"Damn Draco, are you the one with the amnesia?" Fred joked rolling his eyes

"Anyways, the plans for recovering Mavis' memories" George said

"Oh yeah! That's right so how?"I asked. The twins smiled widely at me as they both said:

"We reminisce"

Every single part of the plan was already set. We discussed it along with everyone who were close with Mavis. We were about to act on what happened in Hogwarts Express during our fourth year. We were only waiting the letter of approval from McGonagall to enter the castle and use Dumbledore's penesieve and ofcourse for ren acting more of our memories with her

"So we're going to Hogwarts?" Mavis asked smiling

"Yep" I answered kissing her cheek "Go and pack your things first" We'll be staying there for three days.

"How about Chloe? Our daughter. We have one remember?"

"Ofcourse I do. Mavis do you seriously think I will forget about our daughter" I laughed shaking my head. She chuckled smiling

"Seriously Draco, where does Chloe gets to stay?" She asked once more

"Popa and Nana will take care of them okay? Don't worry" I answered softly as I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear



"Would you tell more stories about us?" Mavis asked, her blue eyes twinkled.

"What do you want to know then sweetheart?" I asked. She pondered for a moment, tapping her chin as usual thinking of a good topic

"You choose please" She said giving up. I smiled holding her hand. I already know what story I should tell her

"You see, there was a beautiful girl on the train that I have met during our 4th year. She was talking with Potter my main enemy back then and that girl was you. Me, being a jerk I was I mock the both of you and then, you threatned me to turn me into a toad. And yes, you did turned me into a toad" I laughed remembering exactly what happened back there. She blushed a little and laughed, apologising to me

"It was hate at first sight back then, and ofcourse who will forget! You got sorted into Slytherin. Our house. Which made it more interesting and fun. During the first week, you already got detention. Ofcourse I was the one behind it" She pouted and crossed her arms narrowing her eyes at me

"I didn't know you were so mean back then" I chuckled at what she said and rested my head over her shoulders as usual

"I love you. I love you and deep inside you knew that. And deep inside you also love me too Mavis. I hope you remember everything soon" I whispered as a tear drop escaped from my eye

"I wish I could remember everything too." She sighed and rubbed my back "Don't cry now, Draco. Everything is going to be fine okay?"

"Yeah I wish it could be" I answered, as if on cue, Chloe suddenly cried reaching out for me. I wiped my tears away and sat her on my lap

"Stop crying now, Daddy's here okay? Sorry if we didn't notice princess don't cry" I cooed as she whimpered burrying her face into my chest.

"Does she really stop crying after you-"

"Yes, you always get upset whenever you can't soothe her down but when it's my turn she'll shut up instantly" I said cutting her. She chuckled

"Really?" She asked amused

"Yeah, though sometimes she likes hanging around with you more than me."

"What about the twins?" She asked once again

"They hang around with the Weasley Twins. Since you three thought that the Evans twins should continue your legacy at Hogwarts" I explained as she looked at me amused

"We have a legacy at Hogwarts?"

"Yes you have, the greatest pranksters of all time. well maybe after the marauders" I chuckled

"Who's the marauders?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows

"You've met the three of them before they died in the second wizarding war. Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and ofcourse the traitor Peter Pettigrew" I told her "But you didn't meet one Marauder at all, James Potter, Potter's father. He died when Potter was only a year old"

"That's tragic" Mavis said frowning "But in a scale of 1-10 how good we are in pranking?" She suddenly asked, smirking at me

"Well, you three are pretty good.." I teased smirking back at her

"Oh come on! Just tell me already!" She groaned hitting me playfully in my chest

"Maybe I wouldn't tell" I mocked sticking my tongue out at her

"So childish Draco" She sniggered "Just tell me already curiosity kills the cat you know"

"Oh babe, You'll know that sooner" I said winking at her. She crossed her arms and huffed, pursing her lips together

"Fake blonde"

"Mavis! I'm not fake blonde!"

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