Nappies and Picnics

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"What are you doing?" I asked curiously looking down on my two siblings

"Fred and George gave us these" Oliver said presenting me a love potion

"They said we should pour these into Sevy's drink so he will know how to love " Olivia added

"Why in the world would you two accept a bottle of love potion at the age of three?" I asked looking cautiously at Olivia and Oliver. I took away the love potions and pocketed it

"Fred told us to!" Oliver defended pointing Fred and George who was trying to sneak away from the scene

"Fred, George" I said sternly. The two of them looked at me innocently

"I would like to have a word please"

"It was his idea" George said pointing at his brother "He wanted to trick Sevy because he's too serious everytime."

"I was just saying! I think that's why Chloe's always looking serious! I think she's copying him!" Fred defended himself

"But the two of you don't have to put the two into these" I told them shaking my head disapprovingly

"They agreed to do so!" Fred and George shouted

"What's all the ruckus?" Nana asked entering the room

"Nothing Nana" Fred, George, and I answered

"If that's so stop yelling because the two started crying because of your loud voices" She said calmly closing the door to our room

"I think we should just go outside" Fred suggested

"Yeah, play a little quidditch, let's go ask Sirius and the others-"

"We don't have brooms" George said frowning "We left them back at the burrows"

"Oh that's sad to hear then" I said frowning

The door opened to see Ginny carrying Chloe. Chloe had an upset look on her face as I reached out for her carrying her in my arms

"What's the matter why is she upset?" I asked

"I think it's time to change her diapers" Ginny said. I looked at the twins and smiled evily

"Fred, George you owe me one" I said handing them Chloe

"But why us?" George whined

"We can't handle that smell" Fred stated

"Oh you should one day if the two of you became parents you'll be changing their diapers too" I told them

"But that's a ladies thing to do!" The two of them protested

"I know but ofcourse you owe me" I said smirking, Ginny sniggered beside me as the two scowled, proceeding to lay Chloe in the changing table and took off her diapers

"Ugh this is bloody disgusting" Fred grimaced throwing away the diaper

"Bloody hell" George said as he wiped Chloe's buttocks. Chloe seemed to like seeing her uncles making weird disgusted expression in their faces because she squealed then laughed aloud

"Oh you like to see us suffering aye Chloe?" George asked her lending her out to me once she was fully changed

"Looks like you've inherited that from Olivia" Fred said looking at Her

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