Over again

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"Hestia?" I asked in disbelief, She took out the cloak that was covering her face. I almost snorted at the sight of her face but I struggled to bit my tongue knowing I would recieve punishment

"Problem with my face honey?" She sneered pointing her wand over my body

"None" I shot back glaring at her

"Good now, let me tell you what I want from you" She said clearing her throat "You see, I am betrothed to your fiancé as you already know. I didn't want to do this but Draco disagreed on getting married with me and betrayed his family- my soon to be family to be with a filthy blood traitor like you." She scoffed looking at me in disgust

"Yeah sure, he loves me though, but he doesn't love you" I spat, smirking at her face.

"I know, but once he loses you. I know that He'll be forced to marry me and have children. Beautiful children not like your Weasel looking child!" She screamed "Pity that I would be finishing her off after you"

"Now Hestia, you would face us first before you can go kill both of the most important girls in my life" I saw Draco at the back of Hestia pointing his wand at her. Hestia turned around shocked, seeing Draco behind her

"Oh look who decided to come and join the fun!" Hestia cackled "My soon to be husband!"

"In your filthy dreams Avery" Draco spat, glaring at Hestia who has the smirk on her face

"Liberacorpus" I heard someone whisper, I dropped in the ground softly seeing George smiling at me. I smiled back at him and crept over to Hestia, limping at the process due to my wounds

"Oh and Hestia you might want to turn around" Draco smirked, Hestia turned around as I swung my left fist over to her jaw knocking her down.

"That felt good" I smirked taking my wand at her hand pointing it toward Hestia, soon Harry, George, and Athena showed up and woke Fred up with the Rennevarte spell

"You think you got me?" Hestia cackled "I've got some company too" She laughed evily. We turned around to see former death eaters surrounding

"If that's so. Shall we kill you first Hestia?" I mocked twirling my wand

"Crucio!" Someone bellowed hitting me square in the back as I started screaming in pain, I saw Hestia stood up and soon jets of lights filled the air and spells were being shot back and forth. The pain was unbearable, I clutched into the ground and panted. I gritted my teeth not wanting to yell. It felt like I was being stabbed by knives and being thrown over an acidic potion. But soon the curse has been lifted. I struggled to stand up, my sight still blurry. I blinked a couple of times to see Draco infront of me with an anger expression in his face

"No one hurts my fiancée" He growled spitting over the dead body of the man who used the cruciatus curse on me.

"Thanks" I muttered under my breath and shot a stunning spell over the death eater who tried to attack me

"Astera vintesco synthesia!" I chanted my hands doing a throwing gesture over the former death eaters that Fred was battling, the ground opened pushing the death eaters inside hell as they screamed while they fall.

"Well I guess I'll see you in hell one day" I said laughing evily.

"You'll see them today, Avada kedavra!" I dodged the shot of green light that emitted from the wand of Hestia.

"Nah You'll be the one seeing them, Sectumsempra!" I yelled but she dodged it in time


"Expulso!" The rock beside her exploded causing her to be shaken up a bit, I took the chance and snapped my fingers causing a huge electric ball to form in my hands, I threw it into her electrifying her

"Nice one!" I heard Athena called out

"You think you can kill me by electrifying me?" She scoffed smirking at me while she shakingly stood up

"No but I think I'll torture you to death crucio!" Draco bellowed standing infront of me his wand pointing at Hestia who screamed in pain.

"Crucio!" Draco bellowed again as Hestia doubled her screaming curling up into a ball in the ground

"I think that's enough Draco" I said wearily. My legs started to hurt after all the adrenaline rush. But before I could fall, Harry caught me in both of my arms, standing me up. Draco seemed to noticed and released Hestia from the cruciatus curse rushing before me

"Hey you okay? Let's go back come on" Draco said softly

"I'm okay, I'll just finish her off" I said firmly releasing myself from Harry's grasps

"Mavis no! You're already hurt" said Harry worriedly, but I ignored him as I shakingly pointed my wand over Hestia


"Stupefy!" I was caught by the red light flashing over me as it send me over the large head stone bumping my head, my eye sight started to blur and my head spun around

"Mavis!" I heard some couple of yells before the world turned into blank.

"Mavis?" I heard someone whisper beside me as I grunt into pain

"Stay alive honey, stay alive. We love you so much. I love you so much" the voice said, I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't I was stuck in a deep slumber

"I am alive!" I tried to say but my mouth was still shut and I didn't hear my voice leave my mouth.

"...can't afford to lose you the second time.." Another voice rang in my ear as I struggled to open my eyes

Wake up Mavis, wake up!

"I am going to fight for you all. I am not going to leave you, I am with you forever" I said almost sobbing but my mouth was still close shut as well as my eyes. I could only talk through my mind.

Would you ever hear me again?


"Mavis!" All of us shouted simultaneously, we heard Hestia evily chuckled as I turned back to her pointing my wand at her

"See you in azkaban bitch. Petrificus totallus!" I yelled as she froze in her feet slumping down frozen.

I breathed heavily running over Mavis who was unconscious.

Blood. Blood all over her head while she turned pale

"Mavis no no no! We have to take her to St. Mungos!" I said panicking, carrying the love of my life in my arms.

"Okay, I'll handle Hestia, I'll take her to the Minister." Harry said "Take good care of my cousin Malfoy"

"More than you ever will Potter" I said apparating to St. Mungos along with Fred, George, and Athena.

"Someone call a healer!" Was the first thing I heard from Fred and George as soon as we arrived the place. Couple of healers arrived taking away Mavis from my arms

"Who are family members here?" One healer asked Fred, George, and I's hands shoot up. The healer looked at me wearily but before He could open his mouth I cut him through

"That's my soon to be wife you are healing at the moment"

"Very well, I must ask a couple of questions as we proceed to the visitors lounge"

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