Chapter 38. Escape or die

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Havers began to shout for help but soon that turned to a holler and quickly became a scream. He struggled furiously against the chains wrapped around his wrists and only managed to draw blood for his exhaustive efforts. In frustration, he slammed his back against the brick wall.


In the gloom of his cell he wished that he had told someone back at the station where he was going and what he was up to.

"I didn't though, did I" he berated himself "No, I'm too worried that Peel would kick my bony arse for playing hide the sausage with Samantha. Now look at me, locked up by her crazy brother. Richard has to be our man, I mean knocking me out and imprisoning me just because I took his sister on a date is a bit much. No, he has to be the killer. Crap, I'm probably going to die"

As he sat there frantically thinking, the room began to brighten and looking up he could see that the sheet covering the skylight was growing translucent in the morning light. He could see the jagged glass of the broken window and what looked to be dark staining on the lower shards. Crawling over to the middle of the room Havers found a corresponding patch of dried blood directly below.

"Oh shit!"

With a sudden thought, Havers spun around checking all the corner in case he had missed anything.

"Damn, they're not here"

Looking back at the small patch of dried blood on the floor and the skylight above, he could only guess.

"One of the girls must have tried to escape. There had been nothing on the two remaining girls when I left the station yesterday and that blood looks to be at least a couple of day's old. Oh shit, they must be dead!"

Havers climbed to his feet and strained towards the skylight. Held back by his chains and hunched over he began to scream, hoping somebody outside would hear him.


A snap of metal echoed up from the darkened staircase followed by a bang and the slow moan of door hinges. Havers would have laughed at the spookiness at the sound of a door opening if he wasn't so scared. He prepared himself to fight for his life, which he knew was going to be difficult chained to the wall as he was. With as much bravado as he could muster, he screamed.


Havers was coiled like a spring and was ready to attack. In his mind, he imagined surprising the maniac and somehow wrapping the chains around his neck and strangling him to death. Then he would search his pockets for the key to the padlock free himself and make good his escape. Havers could hear footsteps on the stairs and they were slowly getting closer.

And then to his surprise the footsteps stopped and a voice he hadn't expected to hear called out.

"H...Hello, is anybody there, I thought I heard somebody calling. Richard is that you"

The footsteps resumed and like an Angle Samantha emerged from the darkness. With a look of shock and horror, she stood there staring as he shook his chained arms and screamed obscenities at her or rather in her direction. Havers realizing that it wasn't Richard he dropped to his knees and almost praying said,

"Oh thank God, Samantha it's you!"

Her mouth opening and closing not knowing what to say, finally she rushed over to him and asked incredulously,

"What the hell happened to you, why are you locked up in here"

Havers grabbed her hands and squeezing just enough to show her he was gravely serious, asked her,

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