Chapter 34. The family twisted

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The sounds of both the soft rise and fall of comfortable sleep and the faster intake of aroused breath filled the stillness of the girly pink floral bedroom. Beneath the brightly lit window, a single bed framed the sleeping form of a semi-naked woman.

On the cusp of wakefulness, the woman was half draped by the Hello Kitty quilt that tangled between her legs. A low moan escaped her lips as she stretched her slender body onto her side. The quilt slipped away to reveal both of her firm and desirable breasts. Over by the open door, an old man leaned against its frame and quietly but excitedly watched as she writhed.

Now awake but her eyes still closed Samantha smiled as she detected the bitter stale smell of cigar smoke in the air. Warmly and soothingly she said as she cupped her breasts and pinch her pert nipples provocatively "Morning grandad"

Opening her eyes she saw him standing with his hands down by his sides and smiled at him kindly. Kicking her legs free of the quilt Samantha unashamedly allowed her knees to fall apart to reveal a trimmed runway of blond pubic hair, all the while never taking her eyes off of her grandfather. With soft laughter, she closed her legs and sat up "Why don't you go sort yourself out and I'll start on breakfast"

Standing up she walked naked to him, pecked his cheek and asked "Is Richard home"

The old man shook his head and allowed his eyes to follow her as she crossed the hallway to the bathroom. Without closing the door, she sat down on the toilet and looking up saw her grandfather still watching her as she peed. Winking at him she said "Go on shoo! Breakfast will be ready when you're done"

The old man turned away happily and disappeared, a moment later Samantha heard the soft click of his bedroom door.

As far as love goes Samantha didn't understand the concept, hate, on the other hand, she grasped fully with a passion. she hated everyone especially her mother and brother. She hated her father even more for what he had done to her as a child and she had dealt with him. Her grandfather on the other hand she liked or at least she tolerated the most.

He had been a broken man since the attack that left his wife dead, his daughter mutilated and himself with what the doctors had said was a bifurcated tongue and cheeks. It had taken weeks after his attack before he could talk again and months before he attempted to. The sound of his drastically altered speech pattern had been the last straw to his sanity and he never uttered a word since.

Unlike Samantha's mother who after the attack had grown hateful and bitter, her grandfather had retreated into himself remaining silent and docile. Although he had shown an interest in her he had never touched her, although he liked to watch. He had been kind and looked after her when her mother failed too.

Samantha didn't blame him for her father's abuse, he had tried to protect her once and had been beaten badly and so she had told him never to try again, that she could look after herself. Samantha knew that it had been her mother's job to protect her from her abuser and she had failed disastrously.

No, Samantha would never hurt her grandfather, well not if she didn't have to. She had learned a long time ago to never say never, or at least never to mean it if she did.

Wiping herself and flushing the toilet Samantha returned to her room and slipped into a tight fitting black tube dress and matching sandals but felt that there was no need for underwear, thinking,

"There's no point, Richard isn't here yet"

Speaking of the devil, she heard the garage door below open and slam shut followed by heavy footsteps ascending the back stairs.

Samantha listened to each footfall echo up the stairs and with only moments to spare she raced back into her bedroom. Kicking off her sandals and stripping off her dress she dove full length onto her bed and faked sleep.

The sound of footsteps entered her room and stopped. Samantha remained still and waited until she heard what she wanted. Unlike her grandfather Richards breath was ragged and labored and much closer, so close she could feel its warmth brush the back of her neck, yet she did not move. The mattress dipped at her side as Richard sat and shakily stretched out his hand until it hovered mere millimeters from her face. Unable to bring himself to touch her without permission he let it glide above her body until the ache of want was too much and withdrew his arm.

His obedience was what she waited for and sensing it she spoke harshly "So you chose to keep your fingers pervert, good!" She chided.

As if burnt from spitting embers Richard jumped up and away from her bed and stumbled over his words.

"I er, I wasn't going to do anything honest, not until you tell me too. Do you want me to?" he begged, barely containing himself as he stared up and down her naked form.

Samantha said as a matter of fact "Oh I know you weren't, you like your little prick too much for that. I guess you feel I owe you a reward for doing what you are told?"

With hate of his own blazing in his eyes, Richard nodded enthusiastically whilst at the same time hating himself for his weakness.

Samantha smiled at the pathetic look on his face as she took hold of his hand and guided it to her soft belly. Holding it there for a moment she felt pleasure ripple through him and then she began to push his hand further down. Richard knew better than to grab at her, the last time he had acted rashly she had made him wait months before allowing him near her again. His excitement grew as she pushed his hand down until he could feel the coarser hair between her long legs. Barely able to contain his arousal Richard held his breath as his fingers were poised to plunge into her.

The moment was ripped from him in a single word "RICHAAAARRD!"

The weight of overwhelming disappointment landed on him like the proverbial ton of brick. The shrill sting of his mother's scream slapped the breath from his body. His eyes screwed tight Richard tugged back his hand and turned away and with venom dripping from every word he called out "YES MOTHER, WHAT YOU WANT?"

The loveless voice of his mother tore at his ears again,

"Leave your whore of a sister alone and help me to the bathroom, I need you to do my feet with the pumice stone, properly this time"

Richard shuddered, but this time not with pleasure but with loathing. It didn't seem right to him that he, a boy should have to bath his own mother, surely that was something his sister should do. It just seemed perverse to him. Before his mother could scream at him again Richard headed out the door. A quick glance back he saw his sister grinning ear to ear with venom of her own, Samantha said to him.

"Oh, poor Dickey has to sponge bath his blind fat mummy. Don't forget all of her cracks and crevasses, pervert!"

Richard seethed with hatred for her and shot an angry stare, and before leaving her asked: "Oh I meant to ask, how did your date go with lover boy last night, hmm?"

Samantha didn't like the smirk on his face, it looked as if he knew something she didn't. "The bastard never turned up, but that's OK I was tired of fucking him anyway," she said as Richard turned away smiling.

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