chapter one

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You walked along the board walk. Minding your own business. It was a nice day in Beach City. It always was, but today was certainly no exception.
The sun was out but it wasn't too hot. And the distant sound of waves was perfect background noise.

That was until the soothing sound was drowned out by a loud motor. You stopped in your tracks and looked behind you. Sure enough, there was a bright yellow high-speed car on the street behind you. Whoever was driving it was a speed demon. Probably an attention seeker.

Once you saw the car, you continued walking. No point in staring. That's probably exactly what whoever was behind the wheel wanted. Though as you kept walking, the yellow vehicle sped up and stopped next to you.

Now, according to every lecture on stranger danger ever given, this was the perfect situation to take off running. But Beach City was a relatively safe town. Aside from all the wired gem stuff happening that you didn't completely understand yet. So you crossed your arms as the window was rolled down. Looking at whoever this was.

"Hey baby. Want a ride?" "I'll pass." You retorted sharply after a few moments of eye contact. "Aw come on. An opportunity like this doesn't come around everyday you know." "What to get in a car? Sorry, but I'm afraid it does." You said before chuckling quietly and beginning to walk away.

"Wow. Looks like I caught myself a feisty one." He commented while following along side you in his luxury car. "You haven't caught yourself anything." "You say that now. Just wait." You scoffed at his words. He sure was trying hard. "The Name is Kevin, by the way. What's yours?"

You stayed quiet. Walking a little faster. "You gonna tell me?" "..." "Ah, well then, if that's how its gonna be. Here, take this." He reached over to the side, grabbing an envelope that was on the passenger seat. He handed it out the window to you. You looked at him again, he was giving you a glance from the side. Like he was trying to put the looks on you.

You snacked the white paper out of his hand with two fingers. Giving him a fake smile that quickly faded as you did. "Anything else you need to add?" "Yeah, just one more thing. Call me." He added before slamming on the gas and taking off. Hitting you with a gust of wind. You looked down at the envelope that he gave you. Flipping it over to the back. It had the name Kevin written on it in neon pink letters. It was a blinding color when it was on white paper and reflecting the sun light.

You folded it and shoved it in your pocket, tucking a hair behind your ear. Who even was that kid? He wasn't one of the cool kids. You knew all three of them, and this "Kevin" was never mentioned, or seen around them. But maybe they would know who he is. You weren't far from the pizza joint, maybe Jenny was around. You continued the way you were going, walking into the pizza place.

When you stepped in, you saw exactly who you were looking for. Jenny was behind the counter, resting her chin on her hand, obviously bored. But the other two kids were sitting at a table. Buck was on his phone, and Sour cream was listening to his music. typical. They all looked at you as the door chime rang.

"Hey guys." "Oh hey _(y/n)_! Its been a while." Jenny greeted while standing up straight. "Yeah, it has been." "What's up?" "I have a question for you guys." You informed while walking in and leaning one arm on the counter. "Shoot." Buck commanded from beside you.

You reached down into your pocket and pulled out the folded envelope, holding it up. "Do you guys know anything about this Kevin kid?" All three of the kids in the room groaned. Sour cream took off his head phones, and faced you. "Yeah, we know him alright." He answered. "Unfortunately..." Jenny added. "Yeah, he's the worst. A real jerk. All he can think about is himself." Sour cream complained. "How'd you get that envelope girl?" Jenny asked.

"He just drove up next to me in that fancy car of his and handed it to me. 'Told me to call him." "That sure sounds like something he would do. What's in the envelope?" "I'm not sure, I haven't looked in it yet." "Well open it. I'm curious." You tore open the top of the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper that was inside and unfolded it.

"Are you kidding?" "Wow." "What a jerk!" All three of them commented. It was just a slip of paper that had his number on it. It said "call me, baby." At the bottom. "He just had this sitting around in his car too. He didn't even write it while I was standing there, it was pre-written." "See? He's a scumbag! He drives around town looking for girls to hit on. That kid, is bad news. Don't even bother calling him. He's not worth your time." "Yeah, that kid Is the worst. So un-cool." Buck added.

You huffed and shoved the paper back into your pocket. This guy really did seem like a jerk, and you knew you shouldn't associate with him. But at the same time, another side of you wanted to see it for yourself. Find out why he would slam on his breaks just to talk to a girl like you. There had to be a reason, you weren't much different than any other girl in beach city.

"Thanks guys. I'll just throw this away when I get home then." You informed. "Guess I'll be on my way then." "One more thing before you leave, actually." Sour cream stopped you. "What is it?" "I'm throwing another party. After my dad crashed my last one, I needed to redeem myself. Its tomorrow night at the ware house if you want to come." "Oh, definitely. I'll be there. Bye guys."


Once you got back to your house, You flopped onto your bed, looking at the envelope again. You sighed, putting it down on your night stand. "I better not..." you decided, knowing that it was the better choice. Even if he was interested and not just being a player. He didn't seem like your type. Or very loyal. It was best just not to talk to him.

( A/N:

Its really bad that I have a crush on Kevin.

So to make all you who also have a crush on Kevin feel better, I give you this.

You are not alone.

Art by deeegv on tumblr, go check her out she's amazing!)

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