The Final Battle

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I wore shackles on my feet and my wrists as I sat in the dark prison of the palace. Most of the people in my surrounding cells were old, sickly men who looked like they have been there for ages. I sat on the damp floor of my own cell, my knees curled up to my chest.

Mushu had been weeping for hours until finally I spoke up. "Mushu, stop crying." I begged

"No!" He sniffed. "Im a failure. Look where you ended up! I should have stopped you or something!" He blew his nose into my shirt. "Now the ancestors will get rid of me for sure."

"Dont forget we still have a job to do. We have to save the Emperor."

"Who are you talking to?" Asked the man in the cell across from me. He pressed his face against the bars. I ignored him until he started to make kissing sounds at me. "He cutie, I'm talking to you."

I turned my head his way. "Sorry sir. I'll keep it down." I murmured.

"You don't have to." He said suggestively. "I don't mind hearing your voice."

"Look buddy, don't make me come over there and kick you where the sun don't shine." Said Mushu.

Cut it out. I laughed to myself.

"You have a pretty laugh." He giggled. But suddenly someone made a loud banging noise on his cell bars. He flew back till he was flat against the wall.

"No fraternizing with other prisoners." Commanded a stern officer. Since I was sitting on the floor, the first thing I saw were his muddy boots. He unlocked the door to my cell and then helped me off the floor. "The Emperor will pass your sentence shortly, after the parade."

He dragged me from the dark cell into the beautiful part of the palace. If I wasn't being put to death soon, I would have found this scenery awe inspiring.

We approached an enormous window that showed a view of the entire city. It was now night time and every inch of the parade was covered with blaring lights. Red lanterns casted a reddish glow over the scene. It was absolutely beautiful seeing all these peoples smiles. But it was nothing but a lie. None of these people were safe. They were all in danger as long as they were here. And there was nothing I could do.

I felt the salty tears begin to roll down my face. "Dont cry now. If you wanted to enjoy the parade with them, you should have stayed in your place." Said the guard.

The cheerful sounds of the crowed began to quiet down, and even thought I couldn't see him, I knew the Emperor was about to speak.

"My children, heaven smiled down upon the middle kingdom! China will sleep safely tonight! Thanks to our great warriors!"

The crowed erupted into cheering.

"We shall all remember your great act of bravery. Until another enemy arises, we can all be sure that the safety of China has now been secured."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Yelled a sickly familiar voice. The gasping of the crowd confirmed that what I suspected was true. My guard, who was just as curious as me, guided me over to the tall window, we both stuck our head outside and looked each way to see where the commotion was coming from.

Over to the left, I saw the grand red double doors and the golden front steps that stood at the front of the palace. At the very top of the steps, Shaun Yu held a sword to the Emperors neck. As luck would have it, none of the soldiers were up there, and I was pretty sure he murdered all the guards that stood in his way.

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