Please Bring Honor To Us All

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I was in my bed fast asleep when I was awoken by my precious Little Brother. He licked both my cheeks repeatedly until I finally sat up sleepily and scratched his head.

"Good morning." I lazily hugged him closer to me and he let out a bark. He settled into my lap and looked up to me waiting for his pre-breakfast snack. I shook my head, he could be so spoiled sometimes.

I reached over  to my night stand to pull a doggy treat for him, but before I could, I saw a note on the door that read:

Date starts at 10:00 and your appointment is scheduled for 8:30. Please don't be late AGAIN  Mulan.
                          -Ma ma<3

I rolled my eyes. She always signs off her notes with her name and heart, even though I always know its her. Whats the point of even writin-

WAIT! Did she said 8:30????

I looked at my alarm clock across the room.


I zoomed out of my bed so fast I almost kicked Little Brother in the face. "Sorry, boy." I yelled over my shoulder.

I brushed my teeth and picked out my clothes then took the fastest shower in history. Finally, I hopped out and got dressed in some red slacks, a white shirt, and threw my hair into a messy bun.  I put on some silver studs, my matching necklace and my red sneakers. Then I was out the door.

"Bye Pa pa! Bye Grand Ma ma!"I yelled before slamming the door shut. 

The car drive to the spa only took about 20 minutes. Ma ma was going to kill me.


I jumped out of my car and ran inside the salon.

"IM HERE! IM HERE!" I ran to the back where my mom was sitting with her legs crossed, reading a book, and her glasses on the edge of her nose. "Im so sorry Ma ma, I tried not to be late-"

"And you succeeded my dear." She looked up with a amused expression and showed me her watch. "Your almost 30 minutes earlier than we expected."

"What?" I looked at my own phone time. 8:00.

"But the clock in my room, it-"

"I changed the time so it would be one hour fast." She winked at me and the other ladies in the shop began to laugh.

"Mom!" I groaned. "Thats not funny. I didn't even get to feed Little brother."

"That little rascal already ate. I fed him before I left this morning." She stood up and grabbed me by the shoulders. "Now tick tock Mulan, we have alot of things to do before your date tonight. Starting with that hair."

"And that outfit." Added a shorter lady.

The tall slim lady that walked beside Ma Ma added "And those nails... My dear, your hands are so...unkept." She reached out to examen my hand but I yanked it back quickly. "We'll have to work on those manners too. No man wants a woman with a temper."

I looked over to the wall and saw a beautiful soft pink dress paired with silk white gloves "Whats that?"' I asked my mom.

She smiled. "The dress you will be wearing this evening."

I starred at the dress with my mouth wide open. "I cant wear something like that!"

She looked back up at me. "And why not?"

"Its style!"

"Stop your grumbling. It's beautiful and you know it! Now come along Mulan we have wasted enough time already."
I rolled my eyes as the three woman pushed me into the back room to begin my torment.


2hrs later, My skin has been waxed and scrubbed with good smelling soap,   My hair had been brushed and forced into long silky  curls, my lips are stained with crimson lipstick, and my face is caked with pale make up and false eyelashes. Not to mention my mani pedi was a bit on the rough side. My hands and feet both ached from the harsh treatment.

And these high healed wedges  are KILLING ME! I looked somewhat like a modern geisha!

I always hated going on dates!

"Mom, I know we're Chinese, but isn't this whole look a bit over doing it?"

"Mulan, you look absolutely beautiful today. I have a good feeling about this one. And besides, this style for dresses is what's popular now, you look more modern then anything."

"I don't know anything about this man except his name. In fact, How old is he?"

She didn't answer right away. "He's....older than you...43."

"Ma ma!"

"And richer than you too. He can take good care of you when me and your father cannot."
She lead me to the mirror to let me look over myself.

"But usually they are at least in there 20's! 43 is way to old for me! How will we have any fun?"

"You leave that to me. I have planned it all out."

I had to force myself to hold back tears. "This isnt me Ma ma. I don't even recognize myself with all this crap on my face."

Ma ma didnt seem to hear me as she clasped a beautiful pearl necklace around my neck. "Grand Ma ma meant to give this to you today, but she overslept as usual...but this necklace has been in our family for years. She wore this when she met Grand Pa pa. And this was mine when I met your father. And now, its yours."

"Its 1952 Ma ma. Woman have more opportunities now that ever. There are much better things to spend time on besides marriage.  I want to make something of myself in this world."

"You will, when your time comes. You will have children and a wonderful home-"

"No you don't get it. I don't want to be some farmers wife for the rest of my life."

Our eyes met in the mirror for a brief second. "You mean like me?" She asked sadly.

I sighed. " I didn't mean it like that. Its just...this isn't who I am."

"Your 19 years old Mulan. And turning 20 in a few weeks no doubt. You have been on many, MANY dates already and still have no husband. It time for you to make this who you are."

"Well maybe I don't want a husband Ma ma..."

She folded her arms and gave me a scary look. "Your father and I have catered to your insolence long enough. How long must you disgrace our family with this foolishness?"

My heart began to beat faster in my chest. Pa pa was always more strict when it came to this stuff, Ma ma was almost never this harsh to me. She must really think I am a disgrace to our family's good name.  "I meant no dishonor."

"Then bring us our honor back Mulan. Be the charming, graceful, and well mannered young lady ever man wants to marry." She handed me my clutch, sweater, and a umbrella that all matched my dress, where did she get the money for this? "Here is something in case it gets cold, and a umbrella if it rains. Inside this is everything you need to touch up your hair and make up after a few hours. After breakfast, you two will go to the pictures and then have a lovely stroll on the  boardwalk. The cab driver will pick you up at 1:30 near the market place a little ways from the theatre. Mr. Tai knows the way."

She walked me outside to where the cab driver waited to escort me to my dreadful evening.

I shut the door and waved good bye to my mother. She mouthed to me "you can do this." As the car made its way down the road.

Oh what I would give to still be at home in my bed.

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