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It started with one, single flaming arrow. It landed about a foot from Shang's horse and was quenched once it made contact with the snow. Another arrow soared through the air not too long after, then suddenly, the sky was filled with fire. Flaming arrows rained down on our heads as we all took for cover.

"ABORT POSITIONS! TAKE COVER!" We all fled to find a rock to hid behind. Those who carried shields put them to use and those who had bows and arrows, like myself, countered the Hun attack with our own.

Since I was assigned to the front line behind Shang, I was positioned right beside him as he barked out orders to the rest of the men.
"FIRE!" Shang yelled. I covered my ears as our weapons blasted off into the atmosphere toward our enemy. Our cannon's countered their arrows and it seemed we were the ones coming out on the winning side. Until finally, the arrows ceased all together.

"Hold the last cannon!" He ordered. We could visibly see the bodies that littered the pure white snow, staining it red. Silence filled the air and for a moment, we just listened.

Just over the mountain top, the thick black smoke cleared to reveal a black figure mounted on a horse. Even from way down here we could see the signature fur armor that set this demon apart from the rest. Shaun Yu.

My eyes grew wide and butterflies of excitement appeared. I was tempted to fire an arrow at his heart the minute I saw him. "Hold your fire, men." Dang it!

"Now, Mulan. I want you to think this through." Mushu coached. He was now in his dragon form and he slithered his way to the front of my saddle. "I know you planed to kill Shaun Yu with your own sword, but you have to use your smarts in this situation. Listen to Shang's instructions."

Out of defiance, I pulled my arrow back with the string of my bow, and released it into the air.

"I SAID HOLD YOUR FIRE!" He yelled directly at me.

"Oh, Mulan."

Shaun Yu's laugh rang out over the clearing. "MULAN MY DEAR? WAS THAT YOU?! YOU MUST BE UPSET ABOUT YOUT LITTLE FRIEND!" My eyes widened in fear. My breath was caught in my throat and I could have sworn my heart stopped beating for more than a few seconds. "OR WAIT, I SUPPOSE YOU GO BY THE NAME PING WITH THIS CROWD." I saw Shang's shoulders visible tense up, but he didnt  look back at me. Knowing him, he was probably trying to come up with any logical explanation he could find to explain why the Captain of the sworn enemy of China knew me by name... And why he was calling me Mulan.

"WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR SHANG?" Slowly, we saw the rest of the Hun army trickle in behind their master. "ATTACK ME!" The front line alone had to have been over 500 men standing at attention. Triumphantly, he jabbed his sword high above his head and let out a battle cry that shook the ground beneath us. His horse trotted down the mountain at a magnificent speed and it kicked up a cloud of snow in its wake. Soon, the rest of his army did the same thing, and the sound of all of those men lifting up their voice in unison was absolutely terrifying.

"Use your head Mulan!" Mushu was now slightly screaming."Your so close now, don't screw up!"

Shang turned to his own army with a terror filled face. "PREPARE TO FIGHT. AND IF WE DIE, WE DIE WITH HONOR!"

Screw my need for revenge, the sheer force coming from the voices of these men was enough to pull me from my blood lust. I dropped my arrow in the snow and pulled out my sword along with the rest of the men.

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