"Well I would have done it way better than that but that will do, those two girls' names are Heidi and Layla by the way," she said looking at her watch. "People are arriving in an hour so I have to go and shower. Sylvia will open the gate in about an hour and everyone will be coming in at that time. I will see you then." She said as we walked back to the back door.

"Thank you Kris." I said to her before I walked to the car park

"It was your money," she said with a laugh. "but you are welcome. I hope everything goes well tonight." She said as she went inside the house.

As I drove away in my car I felt so grateful and excited. I couldn't wait to see Katy's reaction. I had met Kris almost two months ago and the fact that she was doing this for me meant a lot to me. These past two weeks she had been spending so much time at my apartment. Either with Alex or planning the party with me. I didn't know much about her life but I already felt like I knew her, like I had known her for a very long time and I was glad she seemed to be growing on my best friend as much as she was growing on me. She was a real burst of sunshine in our apartment and I knew that even after this party I would continue to see a lot of her.

Kris's POV

To say the least Katy was definitely surprised. The girls brought her out through the back door and as the multi-coloured lights went on we all shouted, "Happy Birthday Katie." Nick handed her flowers as she hugged him and looked around her in bewilderment.

"When did you plan this?" She asked him.

I didn't get to hear her response as the DJ blasted some music through the speakers and the party started. I was looking down at the party from my balcony. People were really having a good time and I was happy Katy and Nick both looked happy. Usually I would be in the midst of the fun, making sure I drank as much as I could but lately I hadn't really been feeling like partying. When Nick asked me to host this party I was excited to have something to do, I mean I could have just thrown one for myself, but I felt useful. Now knowing that in a few hours' time this will all be over, it makes me a bit sad. It means I will have to go back to worrying about Grandpas Will and everything in between. I will not have Nick to argue with or tease me anymore, I mean I have done what he wanted and now I'm sure we will not have a reason to hang out. That's sad but by now I am used to it, I just hate feeling hopeless though, like when I left home two years ago I really thought I would not have a single worry in the world and I would be happy but once again the world has proven me wrong.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Xander says behind me. I am startled but I relax when I realise it is him. Spending time with him these past few weeks has made his voice very familiar to me. I turn around and accept the glass of wine he hands me with a smile. "Sylvia let me in, she told me I would find you in here." He explains.

"I was just thinking I am quite a bad ass, it looks so beautiful outside." I say as I take a sip of the wine.

Xander chuckles and nods his head. "Well I was actually going to tell you, you did a good job but you beat me to it." He says. "Makes me wonder why instead of being down tk2here with the rest of us you are up here." He looks at me questioningly.

I shrug. "I am just not in the mood, I don't want to spoil it for everyone else." I tell him quietly.

"Anyone I need to kill?" He asks as he comes over to stand by the rails, beside me.

Despite my mood I find myself laughing. "I will send you a list tomorrow morning."

"I will be waiting," he says with a cute smile. I look at what he is wearing and decide he dresses up quite well. Everyone is dressed formally and he has on a black tux with a white shirt on and his hair has been slicked back. He is freshly shaven and I find myself smiling, I love guys who shave. He raises an eyebrow at me and I laugh. "You look nice," I tell him.

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