"We went too far. Look at her. Is she even alive?" I heard Brianna say.

"Yes. She is alive. Her pulse is very weak but she'll live. But that's not what you want so why you acting like it is?" Sydney asked her.

"It wasn't.. But now... Seeing her, seeing what you did... Even if she makes it there's no way her baby will..."

"What I did? YOU started it!" Sydney said interrupting Brianna.

"And YOU finished it! Her face... She's unrecognisable. There is blood all over her face!"

"Look.. You can't just grown a heart halfway through this. YOU called me remember!"

"I know.. But now..."

"But now NOTHING! Even if you bail out on me I'm not done with this bitch. She fucked me up and I ain't done fucking her up! Plus... She stole my man."

"Cmon... Mason ain't ever wanted you! Everyone know it's Olivia he wants."

"Why people keep saying this? Like Olivia is somebody famous!"

"So that's what it is... You're jealous. You ain't over Mason. Admit it!"

"Yes. I. AM!!"

"No! You ain't! You mad that he met Olivia and made her all the things you wanted to be. Well blame ME for that!"


"Yeah.. I set Olivia up to get attacked so I could come and save her so she would feel like I was better than her stupid best friend Taylor. But Mason beat me to it! I saw him beat the shit out of the guy so I stayed well clear. I watched him pick her up and put her in his car. From then I guess he fell for her..."

"You.. BITCH!" I managed to say.

I didn't want to aggravate them but I couldn't believe Brianna was behind that! Again Taylor was right. I swore to myself if I made it out here alive that I would fuck Brianna up so bad.

"SHIT!" Brianna said.

"Ha haaaaa!!! Yo bestie is a right nasty piece of work ain't she?!" Sydney mocked.

"I need to go to the hospital" I said to them. I hadn't felt my babies move since Brianna kicked me in my stomach the first time. I was worried.

"You. Ain't. Going. Nowhere." Sydney said to me.

"But my babies... Please. I need to know if they are okay..." I whimpered.

"Babies?" Sydney repeated.

"Yes.. I'm... I'm having twins. Please. You may hate me but my babies don't deserve this."


"I... Didn't even think I made you lose your baby. I'm sorry." I said to Brianna.

That was the truth. No matter how much I hated her I would hate to lose my babies. So if it was me who caused the death of her baby, whether some may say she deserved it or not. I was genuinely sorry.

"Don't fall for her bullshit Brianna! She's having twins! You know what that means right?" Sydney asks.

"No what?" Brianna asks back.

"We can have one each..."

Was this bitch crazy?

"What?" Brianna said with some confusion.

"Well she ain't going to make it out of here alive... Look at her. Let's take her babies and go!"

"No! Brianna don't listen to her. You ain't like her. You ain't evil.. If you were ever my friend you wouldn't do this..." I said.

"But.. But.. My baby is dead.." She said as she started sobbing.

"And I am truly sorry. But Brianna look at everything YOU have done to me. Slept with Liam under my nose all these years. Got pregnant by him but pretended it was Masons and made me believe it was. You almost had me raped and let's not forget that now you have kidnapped me with this crazy bitch! I'm not saying you losing your baby makes us even but after everything you have done you really gon do more to to hurt me?"

"Who you calling a crazy bitch?" Sydney said hyping up.

I was scared for mine and my babies life yes, but the hatred I had for Sydney would make me say some things that could have me killed. It was taking everything in me to bite my tongue and ignore her.

"Brianna... Please..." Even though I hated her, Brianna is easily swayed. All I had to do was win her over and she would come to her senses. "... Do the RIGHT thing." I said to her.

"I'm.. I'm sorry. This was a mistake. I didn't meant to hurt you. I didn't mean for this to happen. Sydney... This is wrong. I can't do this... I can't." Brianna said as she ran off.

FUCK! Brianna was my last chance. Now she's run off scared. I think now... I might just be in trouble.

"Well.. I can't let you get away free because this here is a very big jail sentence; and I'm far too cute for jail."

"Cute? If I wasn't in so much paid I'd laugh" I said to her.

"Well I'm the one who's laughing. I told you I'd get you back."

"But that's just it.. You didn't get me back. You jumped me with Brianna. You've have me tied up the whole time. When I fucked you up you saw me come at you and you couldn't keep up. That's what fighting is. This here is a coward move. A bitch move."

"You know.. For someone who wants to live you talking a lot of shit!"

"If you was gon kill me you would have. Besides if you gon kill me you gon kill me and ain't shit I can do about it."

"You right." She said as she walked off to pick up something off the floor.

She walked back over smiling.

"What's... What's that...?"

"This? This here is what I'm going to use to kill you and your babies." She said.

I looked at her as she ripped my t-shirt and pierced my stomach with the sharp object.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh" I screamed out.

She didn't care. She wasn't stopping. I started feeling faint. I felt the blood gushing and knew that this was it. I knew that when I closed my eye this time that it was going to be for the last time...

#7 :: Everything I Want.Where stories live. Discover now