22) Maybe, Just Maybe...

Start from the beginning

I laughed.

"Well .. It wasn't really my choice. God decided the babies were going to be boys." I told them.

"Well next time. Pray hard for girls." Daniella said.

We all laughed. She was so mouthy. The door bell rang. I knew it was Olivia. I gave the babies to mama and G.

I opened the door and there she stood, beautiful as ever. I had to make sure she didn't leave without forgiving me. I needed to be back with Olivia.

"Hey," I said as I let her in.

"Hey Mason." She said back.

"I have the kids in the family room. So we can go upstairs."

"Nah.. Your man cave is fine." She said.

I nodded and we made our way to my man cave.

"Look Liv.." I started to say before she stopped me.

"No. I'm talking. You talk when I need answers." She said.


"Why did you lie?"

"The truth as to why I lied sounds crazy."

"Go on..."

"Well.. I thought that if I put off telling you and you fell for me, you wouldn't care that I had kids..."

She laughed.

"Yeah. You're right. Very crazy. And stupid! You lied. You been lying all this time. About your own kids! Do you not love them?"

"OF COURSE I DO! Don't get shit twisted! I never told you yeah but I been very much in my kids life!" I said annoyed.

"You had a second life that I wasn't involved in. You basically was a different person."

"I made a mistake. A big one. But who says "I don't date guys with kids"? As if my kids determine who I am? They are innocent in this so why should I be punished for having kids!"


"Yes! That first date if my phone never rang I would have said I had kids. That would have been the end of that. How is that fair? Yes I lied and I shouldn't have but everything between us was real! You can't deny that! So you would have missed out on all us because of a silly preference you have? I helped get you workers and a warehouse. We've made some great memories. All of that was very much real."

She looked at me and tears fell.

"You lied.. You hurt me.. You made me look like a complete fool when that Sydney bitch was popping off!"

I walked over to her.

"Please don't cry...I'm sorry..." I said as I wiped her tears.

"No... Don't come near me.." She sobbed.

"Liv... I'm sorry." I said as I lifted her head by her chin. "Forgive me..." I said as I kissed her on her lips.

I felt her hold me as we kissed. I picked her up and put her against the wall kissing on her neck saying "I'm sorry" inbetween each kiss.

"Mason... No..." She whimpered.

"Let me show you... I'm sorry." I said as I kissed on her some more as I slowly took her clothes off.

I took my time as I entered inside her we both moaned. Boy have I missed Olivia. Slowly and gently our bodies move in sync.

"I'm sorry. I love you. Forgive me." I say to her between kisses.

She nods her head and grips me tight. I hear her whisper I love you too. That's all I need to hear as I keep penetrating her slowly. I know she's feeling it because she keeps gasping.

"Fuck.. I love you Mason." She whispers to me.

I pick up pace and she's moaning softly. I feel myself coming to my peak as I thrust faster and faster. In next to no time we are both moaning and shaking uncontrollably.

"I can't believe I just had sex with you, that wasn't part of the plan." She said as we got dressed.

"What was the plan?" I smirked.

"I don't know. To get closure. NOT to sleep with you."

"Closure? Why? What you closing?" I said as I pulled her in close to me.

"Mason..." She said trying to pull away.

"V.. What are you really trying to do? Prove a point? If you didn't wan to be with me you wouldn't have come here and you certainly would have not had sex with me. Stop being angry and understand I'm sorry. Look, everyone's here. I want to introduce you properly. Come on." I said as I took her by the hand.

She followed and I opened the door to the family room. Junior ran towards me.

"Daddy! The babies cry too much." Junior said as he came up to me holding his ears.

"I.. I can't.. I'm sorry. I can't do this..." Olivia said and she ran out.

"LIV... V!!" I called out to her but it didn't make a difference; she was gone...

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