Chapter 32- Too Afraid To Be Selfless

Start from the beginning

I looked around at the people. The buildings. The ground. I heard the laughter, and the busy streets. This place was nothing like I knew. I passed all this up, heading towards the darker side of the village, where I saw trees and shrubbery and quiet. I needed time to think.

Auburn and warm brown leaves crunches softly beneath my feet as I walked into the dark woody place. It was warmer, peaceful. I felt comfortable here. I stopped when I spotted a big oak tree about forty feet away from me, standing tall and erect in the soft, caressing wind. The moon bathed it in its soft, white-capped shadows. My hands itched to reach into my pouch. I pulled out a kunai.

I threw it with all my strength at the bark, hearing a loud crack as it pierced it violently, splitting a deep gouge into the trunk of the tree. I pulled back from my outstretched position, breathing hard. That had felt...good.

"Seems you're back to normal." I whipped around quickly, moving forward fast, kunai in hand. The voice turned out to be a figure of a boy. I stopped at the way he didn't make any attempt to run or to fight. Was he another one that pretended to know me? His dark eyes said otherwise, they had an allure to them that spoke of darkness. The kind of darkness you wanted to heal.

"I don't know what you consider my normal, so I can't agree with your statement, stranger." I said, glancing at him before turning back to my previous target.

"What's with the formality? Do you think you're superior to me?"

The question shocked me. This boy was so straightforward. I turned back to him, meeting his eyes.

"No. I just don't know you. And I don't accept you as someone I know."

A small laugh left his lips.

"I'm pretty sure you're not normal now. You were never this stupid." The harsh words left me boiling inside and I gritted my teeth, narrowing my eyes. He kept his gaze with me, eyes fearless.

"The real you would've answered in a much more impressive way. How pathetic."

"I suggest you leave." I didn't want anything to do with this boy either.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. Nice to make your acquaintance....again."

"I said go away!" I threw a kunai before I could even comprehend my erratic emotions. The boy's eyes widened and narrowed dangerously as he snatched it out of the air with ease and threw it back at me, the air next to my cheek rippling. I felt my neck tightening with the promise of a headache, his speech, the way he moved, the way he sounded pressing my mind for something I should know. He was making me panic.

"That move right there? You taught it to me. Just like you're so sure you don't know me, don't be so sure that I don't know you."

And like that, he was gone. I let out a ridiculous laugh, snorting. I didn't know that kid. He didn't know me. He was just another one of those villagers that thought I owed them the right to remember these things. I didn't need to. Because remembering those things would only inconvenience me.

Because remembering those things could only break me a second time, whispered the back of my mind. I turned back to the tree trunk and looked at the glinting kunai stuck in the tree.

It had hit the the exact same spot.


Sasuke POV

The disappointment was what pissed me off the most.

For just one moment, as I had watched her hit the tree with her amazing precision, I had thought it was her. I had hoped.

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