Chapter 25- Forget This First

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*****Hey, guys, thanks for commenting and voting on the last chapter! You guys are great! I hope you like this chapter too. Enjoy!!


Sasuke POV

"Sasuke, I was wondering if-"


I walked away quickly, knowing she was one of the more annoying ones, the type to think that I was only shielding myself so I wouldn't get hurt. She probably thought deep inside, I was yearning for love and comfort and things of the sort. So she kept pushing because she thought if she became special to me, I would open my heart up and tell her my sorrows. I would tell her how much pain I held

It was disgusting.

I smirked as I heard her cries behind me. I had no desire to get to know anyone, to form bonds with other people. They were all the same to me. They couldn't see that I was set on one thing ever since that night from my past. I would achieve my goal.

Distractions, I didn't need them.

But somehow, that girl became one of them. My eyes observed the ground. No, I didn't love her. I just felt some kind of deep feeling in my gut every time we spoke. Her eyes were almost soul-sucking, the way they bore into me when I said things to push her away, or to make her feel agitated.

She was different.

Right now, she was a danger for me. She was distracting me from my goal. I had to detach myself from her, but for some reason, I didn't want to lose. I didn't want Kakashi to get her instead.

Besides, with her skills, she could make a great accomplice in helping me reach my goal.

It didn't matter. Right now, I would play with her by winning her over and not letting Kakashi have her. Besides, he was too old for her. After I won, I would decide whether she useful enough to have along my side. A small part of me twinged inside, knowing it was more than usefulness that I wanted her along. But I wouldn't admit it.

My goal would be reached either way.

I glanced to my side to see a restaurant filled with dim lights and dark wallpaper. I heard small chatter coming from inside. My eyes landed on one of the booths. It looked private enough that I knew I wouldn't be bothered.

Maybe this time I could eat without being interrupted.

I walked in, letting my eyes scan the place. People looked up and silenced at seeing me. I smirked. Typical. These people had nothing better to gossip about. They would never understand my situation.

I reached a table and just sat down, knowing a waiter would come. I'm pretty sure the manager saw me.

"Hello, sir. I'll be you waiter this evening," a very fidgety guy said, his eyes darting back and forth as if for an escape. I held back a dark chuckle. I felt a twinge of pride at how someone could be so scared to speak to me in the first place.

"Plain rice." I voiced out loud lowly, my eyes trained on him. He nodded, swallowing comically. He scurried away, jotting something down sloppily.

I leaned back in my seat, my eyes meeting the pasty ceiling.

Sometimes, it seemed like life had no purpose. My thoughts were always consumed by one thing, and I knew after that one thing was accomplished.....

I would be a blank piece of paper. An empty shell.

But I had come to terms with it. I was ok with it. Because I felt like I only needed this one thing. Life held no other interests or wants for me. After this, anything could happen.

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