Chapter 27-The Answer to Fear

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*********Hi, guys, thanks so much for the wonderful comments you left and for the votes! So I really like the way this story is flowing for me right now, so far no writers block has appeared on how to continue it. Right now, I'm in a bit of a bind with my life, I have some problems to deal with, so I'm just announcing or more like simply commenting that I might, just might, be taking longer than usual to update. I know I already don't update really fast, but I promise I won't take too long. I just have a lot on my plate right now. I hope you can understand! Thanks!


"So naive.....didn't your sensei teach you not to speak so crudely to your superiors?" The grass ninja said, her eyes poised on Naruto with a glint of sadism surfacing behind them. I shivered. Naruto grinned, unabashed by her presence.

"Sorry, I told them I wouldn't read the manual." Naruto said smartly, his eyes bright with confidence.

I couldn't help but let slip a small chuckle. The girl's eyes narrowed, not amused at being taken lightly. I suppose no ordinarily prideful human being would. To be underestimated was a shame indeed.

"This should be fun," the girl mused suddenly, her eyes still distracted by the cocky blonde.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sasuke stiffen even more then he already was. Poor thing, he really was scared. I felt sympathy crash into me as I remembered my moments when the ninja from my clan had brutally attacked the village I had been staying in. I closed my eyes briefly before letting them pin right back on the girl.

The atmosphere was crackling with tension, all of us tense. I was hoping she would make the first move since something told me if we attacked first, she would only get more excited. And her getting lost into her delight of bloodlust....was something I did not want. She was letting her eyes rake each of our figures, something excited and thirsty about her look.

"Leave us in peace."

Everyone turned to the sound of Sasuke's voice coming out in such utter defeat. I felt the shock flash in my head at his resign. Was he joking? No, he wouldn't joke about something so serious. I watched with even more utter astonishment as Sasuke's previously wide, Sharingan-activated eyes faded to a dismal black, tired and weary.

Sasuke mechanically reached into his pouch and pulled out a slender, small scroll etched in the kanji of heaven. I gritted my teeth. Was he a fool?'re so much better than that.

"What the hell are you doing?" I was surprised to hear my voice rip out with such utter anger and disbelief. I couldn't believe at how easily he was giving up.

Sure, this woman was far beyond what we were used to dealing with. Our strength at this moment couldn't be the peak of our power, but like hell if I would give up just because of that side fact.

I had never once considered letting her win.

Sasuke's eyes collided with mine and I saw the look of someone lost, someone who didn't know what they were doing. It wasn't just fear for him, it was fear for all of us. He was trying to protect us. My heart warmed at such a notion. Sasuke....

The girl smiled widely, and I glanced up to see Naruto looking completely pissed.

"I see....very smart move. The only way for the prey to escape the predator is to give it another meal." The girl purred in sickening delight, licking her lips.

I made a quiet sound of disbelief. I didn't believe that for a second. A true predator...would definitely find a way to take both meals at the same time. So much the better for this animal. I knew she would never leave us in peace, even if we did give her the scroll. She wanted a fight to occur, a testing of powers between us.

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