Chapter two

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I lacked friends ever since henry died(my boyfriend and best friend to George Garcia)  simply because my darling sister Alicia told everyone in school I was crazy due to to having nightmares earlier just after he had passed away  ,it didn't matter nor does it now what she said to other people cause am my own boss and even when no one talks to me, Eddie talks to me anyway so It does count that I've got someone to talk to ,well it's their loss ( see the way am consoling myself) . This was a new term with new students and old also I may  never know what lies ahead of us to be frank.

"God!never do that again," I breathed placing my hand on my heart and stared at this dude who appeared out of nowhere  and stood in front of me when I closed my locker.

"Am Felix by the way what's your name lovely,am sorry for frightening you I just thought you looked like someone I just met" he replied and just when I was just about to respond my sister appeared in front of us .

" Amber,I see you have already met Felix ,my boyfriend isn't he charming," she asked looking from me to Felix with expectations and I gave her a taken aback  look.

"Boyfriend!"I asked probably thinking that I heard the wrong thing,I thought she was with max ,  her forever love....blahblahblah but who knows everybody changes,everyday has its own surprise.

"Uh yes, as you can see right babe,"she said and he nodded smiling.

Oh this is interesting indeed,"when did you meet,"I mischievously asked and they looked at each other before answering.

"Last summer-"Alicia started while the other.

"This morning,"Felix replied all in unison,I just felt like bursting with laughter there and then ,so far they have made my day. 

"Um , I'll just head to my first class and hope to see you around," he said winking at my sister and giving me a nod  and finally  left us.

"Oh Amber can I say its love at first sight don't you see...while you are still single,I have it all A." Alicia said and I frowned at her spiteful words,really now,are we 5 years old now.

"Thanks for those wonderful words my dear Alicia  and you do know when you met ,don't you? Cause  it's very important in your relationship." I replied and she smiled back probably noting the sarcasm," how is  this a competition,cause you sound ridiculous ,"I continued as her smiled faded and she walked away I just shook my head at their funny introduction.

In my part relationships can be complicated if you rush into it,I mean mine wasn't perfect we argued ,fought but at the end of the day we'd talk like two hours on the phone,talk about mom always complaining about the phone bill, anyway my point is proving to people that you can get anything or  anyone in a matter of minutes then what's the point of trying to prove you are better that the anybody else.

"Amber ..." someone called and I turned to see George Garcia the one I mentioned earlier we used to meet in  parties a year ago, good old times, now life is just life , like this senior year mom says we must focus on school first party later and speaking of George,how is he here,he lives in California or maybe he is just coming  for a visit or I don't know what to think now.

"George! Hey how are you, oh you look  Good dude,is it you or just a clone ."I tease him, at this point I wanna avoid the last issue we talked about to emerge out of nowhere.

" First am good, life is just life but how are you,it's been a long time since we talked,"he replied and I looked down trying to avoid his stare,  " secondly thanks I would have already started to brag but because it comes from you I'll let it be ,it means a lot coming from you, but do you also know that you are a beauty ,did anyone tell you that!" he said and I think I blushed, we haven't talked for a year now so a compliment from him was something I wasn't expecting.

" Ahh too bad we haven't time to talk but why don't we sit together  during lunch and then I'll tell you everything that went down back at my place just like old times. " he said hurrying to class  after the bell had rung and I smiled knowing this wouldn't be a long term after all ,also a have a friend now and Am gonna take the opportunity also to be my old self.

Wait ,what did he mean by saying during lunch time,oh my gosh  does it mean his already in my school...oh no this isn't good and isn't bad anyway.

I just hope In the long run,life will go back to normal,and everyone will be themselves and not judges,or meddles  oncother people's businesses like my dear sister Alicia who has been like this ever since we were little sometimes I just wanna get on her mind and just get a glimpse of her thoughts but then I can't and we don't talk ,I hope we'll talk too in  the future

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