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SO AUTHOR-CHAN LET THIS PASS AGAIN AND BTW sorry capslocked, back to the disclaimer well i cannot take any character requests cuz theres to much scenarios which make time to type well this character GASTER will be the last sorry if theres not here cuz its hard to come up many scenarios and type it all along and edit it i mean we have 31 no 32 including this so you know what i mean

sorry for a little rant just saying about it just you others were curios why i cannot accept another request on characters, well yah i hope you understand please enjoy this Chapter and after this New Character 1-3 parts ill have a Authors Note and its a secret ;)

enough talking pls enjoy this chapter and btw sorry if others were short

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Helps me alot so yeah byeee! see you in the next update! :DDD


-Meeting Him-

You were working on the core, and you're new to work this place which you wanted to share some intelligence to other monsters who wanted some engineering thingys

And there was a man in black who was watching in distance watching you work, until he came up to you telling you that you put the wire in the wrong place which you started to panic because its gonna explode , but before it explode the man in guy helped you fast enough to see he was doing and wallah it was like a new one which make you amaze about it and clap like a child

The man in black chuckled and Introduced to you which his name was Gaster and he... he was your boss which made you embarrassed that he did your dirty work, Gaster read your mind and sign language that its nothing to worry about that which made you shocked that he read your mind and he chuckled once again and said to your mind 'Until next time (Y/n)' , 'this man was full of wonders, nahh whatever i hope i will meet him once again' you thought and get back to work.

-Meeting Him Again (you both got closer)-

Its been a year you saw your boss , Gaster which made you curious how he was doing right now. until one night you were going back to your house from the grocery store and some drunk guys were getting to you, so you ran until you were cornered, you shut your eyes and be prepared of what happened , but nothing happened only screams of men you hear

As you open your eyes, you saw Gaster in front of you but he was glitched, you didnt wanna know what happened but at least he saved you from the bad guys

As minutes has passed you both hid the bodies , and Gaster wanted to live to your house for awhile which you said yes and he was doing some special thingys in your underground like he said it was a underground laboratory which you quickly accepted and drag him to you house.

-When he ask you out and asks you to be his/her girlfriend/boyfriend plus first kiss-

Well its been a year that Gaster have been living to your house , which there may sometimes, you were a total fail in front of him, like the time when your towel fell while Gaster come in to your bedroom to ask something and saw your treasures, which made him very very embarrassed and he even have a nose blood and faint about it, and that's his bad habit that he always didnt knocked the door

But now well... Gaster develop this strange feeling to you, which it was called love , same as you , thats why you were so clumsy when he was around you

Its been a long time Gaster knew that you have a crush on him, so this day he decided to level up your relationship, so he given you a task to calculate this, that, in your new underground or Gaster's lab which he made, and the answer of his calculation that 'I Love you so much till the day I've meet you, Will you be my Adenine to my Thymine??' . (Adenine and Thymine were partners in DNA Base incase you didnt know about it ;) )

Then all of the chemicals reacted which making a smoke like heart around on Gaster, which you were so happy that he asked you to go out and whats your answer love , you said 'yes very yes' which you even kissed him which make on make out session.

-When you date but fail-

Well he was taking you to the hill outside of your house, which he did some special thing in your date, which makes you awkward about what he was saying cuz, that special thing that Gaster did was edible chemicals which every-time you ask about what is this and what is that, he lectures you about that chemical and tells all over history whatsoever which make you so speechless about the date he did and your date went to a Science class.

-What they think about you (His POV)-

My very own (y/n), since I first saw her in the core, she was like a shining **Your fave. Type of special gem**, her hair was like the silk of the finest thread in the world, her smile makes my heart stop in a second and makes the time and space stop in only a glance of you

In only one glance of you I can see our future , a happy life with *Num. Of your child/children* running children/child in our garden/house , but someday , someday it will be happen.

-When you see a Spider-

Well you help Gaster cleaning some laboratory thingys in your secret underground, then you saw a spider hiding in the graduating cylinder so you decided it bring to Gaster and give it a lil experimenting tiem

-When he get jelly-

So he introduced you, sans and Papyrus his artificial experiment (just pretend it was even doe its not yet proven), as they skelebros see you, they dragged you out with them leaving Gaster behind

After that a whole day with them and they wont let you contact or talk to Gaster, which your only attention was only theirs even though you didnt want to be it to much, You noticed Gaster was so Jelly who was creeping on thei window of the skelebros house

So you tried to talk about the skelebros about it which they understand and you go to Gaster which he hugged you tightly and glaring his artificial experiment and scolded for a bit to not do that again, which you chuckled at his reaction that he was so jelly which made Gaster embarrassed when he heard your mind

-When He have a boner-

Well Gaster gave you a suspicious drink and it was coloured pink , so you drank it but it hurtens your chest a bit and then a smoke comes out

As the smoke were gone you saw yourself as a sexy woman who have a less clothing that you have while ago , so you quickly covered yourself and glare hard on Gaster which he was having a boner- moment which he was cluthing his inner void hiding it but you just reach the shampoo bottle and throw to Gaster and walk out and put some clothes, don't ask why there was a shampoo bottle there

-When he Scare you-

Another day in your house with your lovey dovey Gaster , now you were busy cooking for Gaster now you were waiting for the water to boil you checkd you phone and there was a text from Gaster and it says he was kidnapped, which your knees went jelly and think what to do , in your deep thinking Gaster went to your back and scared you which you feel with you butt in the floor and hearing he was laughing of your reaction

You glare at him sadly and hug him tight cuz you thought he was kidnapped , but the end of the day you still crying and hugging Gaster tight which he laughs and comforts you

-When you wear something of his-

One day you were fixing Gasters closet , and you saw his mask, but you look at the surroundings hoping Gaster don't come in , cuz Gaster hates if someone get his mask (Just pretend he have a face behind a mask) and you remembered that Gaster was showering

So you quickly put his mask to you face and take a selfies of it , and a 'ahem' said behind you which you saw for the first tiem Gaster's handsome face which he was smirking sexily with a lose towel on his hips, making you embarrassed that he was so perfect but the towel fell of his hips which you see his 'eternal void' which he smirked sexily again making you nosebleed and faint of the unholy sightings.

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